Chapitre 14

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Hurt, physical damage, angst and comfort.


(Lilith's POV)

Once outside, Lilith put as much distance as she can afford between them, even if V wasn't far away, as always whenever they left the shop for a mission. Nero and Nico were silent, walking behind the summoner and his familiars. The sorceress kneeled down on the sand, feeling its warm under her legs. She was still in her black legging and lace blouse, her shoes on her side with socks stuffed inside. Her gaze layered on the sea, but she wasn't looking at it, all the memories her mind kept from her were slowly returning, the last mission, the fight with the poet, the revelations..... Yet, she couldn't remember her last vision, no matter how hard she tried.

They waited for her to calm down, then V approached her, reiterating his last request. His voice was warm, reassuring, cooling the boiling fire in her body, how he could do that she didn't know and didn't care on that moment.

"We are losing time, Lilith, call your phoenix." He whispered, kneeling in the sand, not far from her, " I promise that if he came, must I exert myself, I will use Yamato to get us as far away as needed. Worry not about the rest, we will find a way."

She nodded, desperately hoping he would not have to exert himself because of her, stood up and took a few step back, shaking her head and raising a hand to stop him when he took a step forward. She turned her palm up and focusing her energy in it till a small golden burning sphere appeared, slowly transforming into a bird shape with its wings wide open. Her right hip began to warm up, spreading its heat through her veins.

"Hopes rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams. Come to me, Lekha !" She said aloud, the little bird in her hand burst in flames and disappeared.

She heard Griffon sighed and mumble something about quoting things, Nero and Nico seemed visibly impressed with her little show while V was questioning her silently, probably expecting more. The next instant, a bright squawk was heard, followed by a strong gust of warm wind circling around her. The moment the bird was above her, she felt a harsh pain shooting through her chest spreading through her whole body, her vision blurred and darkened around the corners.

What ? No !! Not again !! I'm tired of this !!

Lekha shrieked, landing on her shoulders as she felt on her knees, his head buried against her throat and his long feathery tail rolling around her to end on the mark of the dark spell. Having him back after such a long time, feeling the warm of his presence, sensing the pain softening was a blessing.

But it wasn't enough, she could hear his laugh in her head, his voice calling for her, the sharp cry of Nuiid inside her heart. This wasn't a vision anymore, he was trying to break her, torturing her tired body and mind with the dark spell, terrorising her with his plan for her friends and helpers.... Tears streamed down her cheeks, she had to protect them, to save the dark bird, to keep her bright one far from him , but how....

Where are Dante, Lady and Trish ? What have he done to them ?

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