Chapitre 21

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The flirting between V and Lilith might go a bit out of control here........ haha I let you read it.

Slight hurt and angst but not too much.


(Lilith's POV)

The first week ended pretty fast, all she had done was sleeping and resting during the day with V when she wasn't helping Kyrie with the kids. Lilith was a bit worried at first but the little ones showed themself being adorable. She liked the time passed with the children, especially when the poet joined her, the kids seemed to like him too, asking him to read from his book whenever he was around. And V was always around, making sure she didn't exert herself, simply sharing a moment of peace while they still had it or keeping an eye on her whenever she decided to train with her swords.

They had found a place to practice not too far from the orphanage but not too close to let her use the plain potential of her weapons. They felt heavier than her first use, not responding the way it should have been as if there was some interference, slipping from her grip whenever her hands were a bit sweaty. It never happened with her own swords, the blades always felt so light, like the prolongation of her arms...

Stop that and focus ! You cannot use them anymore !

One of the demonic swords fell on the sand and the sorceress stumbled, kneeling on the soft and warm surface while the other blade was still in her possession.

"We should stop here, Sparrow. You are exhausted." V stood up from his spot and was about to pick the abandoned sword.

"Wait...." She struggled to stand up, "One more time. The last one, I promise.... I just need..."

But she couldn't move, her body refusing to stay up and falling back on the grainy floor. She groaned, hating feeling so weak, not able to understand why she couldn't use the sword anymore without directly exerting herself.

"You've done enough for today, Lilith." V kneeled in front of her, deposing her swords on the sand to grab her chin and make her look at him. "We're going back inside, the sun will set soon and you won't last long."

This was true, unfortunately, the vitamins Kyrie had given her were helping a lot, making her stay awake a bit longer after the sunset but when she trained, it didn't make any differences. She would soon be sleeping like dead in the poet's arms or next to him. Nuiid's need for energy was huge and she was surprised she could handle it.

Reluctantly, she nodded, using her sword to straighten while V's arms wrapped around her, pulling her close and helping her walk back to the house.

The shower helped her relax a bit, even if she almost fell asleep. The poet had asked for them to talk through the door to make sure she didn't black out and she managed to stay awake, thought she would never admit it to him but his voice could put her to sleep easily.

It almost had.

She laid down on the bed, pondering on the best way to fight the necromancer without the phoenix's magic. Nico had suggested her to use a gun like Nero but knowing her abilities with those things, she politely declined it. The last time she had tried using a gun, the deflagration had blasted their shelter and her granny had been hurt.

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