Chapitre 25

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Hurt, slight physical damage (small fight), angst and despair.

Yep I kinda killed my OC.......... or not ?


(V's POV)

The poet had been a bit harsh with the sorceress but seeing her act like she was going to die was breaking him. He couldn't accept it. He needed her, wanted her to stay with him. He had finally found someone who loved him, she hadn't spoke the words yet but he knew it, it was written in her eyes whenever she was looking at him, it was in every words she had for him even if it wasn't those ones.... He had found someone to love, to protect, someone who wanted him for what he was, who he was no matter what had happened in the past..... There was no way he could let her go.....

'I'll always be there for you'

Her voice had sounded like a goodbye and he hated that. He wanted to prove her how wrong she was. That she was going to live, the sorceress in her visions was suffering where Lilith wasn't, they only had the glowing veins in common...... Maybe was it another spell from her father, something they could stop, even if it felt strange that it wasn't hurting her if it was from him. He wanted to hope.

'Lilith Scarlett Hope Amarylliss'

Hope...... Her mother had named her 'Hope' for a reason. She had the gift of visions too, she had seen her daughter's future from what was written in that notebook. Why would she name her daughter 'Hope' if not for a meaning ? The girl was wearing the name of her mother too as a memento.....

She had always protected her own daughter........ Maybe....

The air around them felt heavy all of a sudden, charged with magic, like back in the kitchen but more dangerous and evil here. Circling the area, calling for demons to gather from underneath the dust, revealing the blood laying on the floor. The necromancer had probably killed everyone in the city, calling for demons to do the job and repand the blood everywhere.... As they all equipped their weapons, waiting for the enemy to show, V glanced at the sorceress who hadn't move at all.

Her face was hidden with her hairs floating around, body looking tense as if she was fighting something strong.

Don't tell me....

V's gaze fell on the floor, under her feet where a faint pentacle was visible under the rocks and dust but he couldn't do anything except from shouting her name as the next instant, rays of purple light hit her in the chest, coming from a small rock on the ground, one that shone like the glowing veins on her skin.......

"Lilith !!!!!!"

The whole group turned back to see the little witch's body floating a few inches from the ground, eyes showing surprise but lifeless, her mouth open without any sound coming out, then she fell back on the floor, inert.

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