Chapitre 11

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Hurt, angst and comfort warning as always.

Time for some explanations and revelations.....


(Lilith's POV)

Waking up to find herself crumbled on the floor, dried tears all over her face, body stiff and sore was enough to tell her this wasn't a nightmare. It really happened.... Her vision came back, violents flashes of it, the pain, the bird, the chains.... And the mission, the giant riot, the fight......

......What a mess.... What am I going to tell him..... I can't.....

A knock on her door brought her back from her thoughts.

"Lilly ? You up ?" Dante asked.

"Y-Yeah, wait a minute !" She stood up quickly.

She probably looked like shit, hairs messed up, still covered with dirt and blood, scratches and small cuts from the mission....

My kingdom for a hot shower.

She unlocked the door and took several steps backward, letting the older hunter in. He smiled at her but looked tired, always flexing his shoulders like he do when he'd slept on his desk.....

Oh.... Not good.

"We need to talk."

Not good at all.

She tilted her head, asking him more with one look and the way he sighed rang an alarm in her head. He waved to her to sit on her bed, pulling her chair for him to sit on.

Please, I need a break....

The girl waited for the hunter to speak first, anxious, she had an idea of what needed to be discussed but why here ? Glancing at the clock on the wall, she cursed herself. Almost noon, damn, she was more exhausted than she first thought. The look in Dante's eyes made her uneasy, had V told him about the vision ?

"I chatted with V, he told me about what happened." He said in a neutral tone, too neutral.

He told him ? ..... No....

She felt her heart break, she hadn't really ask for his silent this time but.... She couldn't help but feeling betrayed.


It was normal, after all, a vision in a middle of a battle.... He couldn't hide this, she knew it, it was too dangerous. Thinking about it, she remembered his coldness, his anger.... Tears threatened to fall again, she lowered her head, trying to hide her emotion as much as she could, her hands clinging to her pant so hard she almost torn the fabric.

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