Chapitre 30

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OK last warning but just because it get really spicy between them, I mean, I didn't intent to write

 that scene but it came so naturally..... Not too detailed, I'm not at ease with NSFW stuff but I hope you'll enjoy it ^^


(Lilith's POV)

Two months had passed since they left Fortuna to go back to Devil May Cry. Lilith still missed the sound of the ocean sometimes, the cries of the kids playing with Nero or Nico early in the morning, Kyrie's food.... But she still had V. They had their own room, not his old, not her old one either, Dante knew she would stare at the door or act differently in front of her old room so he let them stay with Nero a bit longer to end the huge 'renovation' work.

The shop looked the same from the outside and the lobby was still messy sometimes but he was trying hard to not make it look like a dump. No more pizza box lingering around, no more random papers spreaded on the floor, a cleaner place for both of them to work and stay. The rooms were still upstairs but 'brand new' and a bit more spacious.

Lilith's old room had been an unused office in the end of the hall, big enough for a small bed to fit in with a small desk and wardrobe but nothing else, she had been lucky to be able to display her easel and screen thought most of the time they were against a wall. V's previous room was maybe as big as Dante's or at least, a real sized bedroom from what she had heard, more spacious than her old one and more like the one they owned now.

Both the poet and the sorceress shared the room at the beginning of the hall, next to the guest's small room and Dante had his own in the end. Had he decide to give them his old room and break one wall to make his chamber as big as he needed, the sorceress didn't know but she was grateful for that, there was no more indications of the previous events anymore, no more dark marks left on the walls or the doors, no more blood, no more shattered stones...

She had learn about the familiar's reaction toward her protective stones and decided to not put them back. It was her grandmother's thing after all, even if she believed in their power and knew how it worked, Lilith rather liked to keep one ot two small stone that she really loved or needed in a box hidden in a drawer of her own desk. Their room was big enough for them to have each one a desk, not a big one but enough place to make research when needed. Their bed was near the window, just like the sorceress loved it and big and comfy.

The bedroom comported a big wardrobe for both of them and a lot of bookcases. The little witch still couldn't believe the huge number of books contained in the room, her poet was really a bookworm even if a part of the collection was hers too now. Morisson had found many of her hidden spot where she had hid a lot of books and boxes from her past, mostly witchcraft informations or demonic researches that collided with the one from her lover but also a few old sketchbooks and photo album of her family. She had a small bookcase for that, closed most of the time and only partially full but still....

Her own grimoire was closed on her desk, next the two other ones from her granny and Amaranth, the first sorceress. Lilith had began to write her own book of spell and knowledge after reading the one from the first sorceress. It had contained so many things that the little witch wanted to keep it with her all the time, reading it again and again till Griffon or Dante said something about it.

Fire and IceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon