Chapitre 15

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This chapter is gonna be a tough one, lots of indications about Lilith's past and what had happened to her.....

You may have spotted the reasons but here and in the next chapters, you'll get the real reason why she 'hates' contacts.

Big warning here : hurt, angst, physical hurt and trauma.


(Lilith's POV)

The trip back to Devil May Cry had taken more than it should have, a small storm keeping them in Fortuna till dusk. The van stopped in a peaceful way that seemed to surprise Nero, the shop was not far away but big bluish crystals blocked the road, standing straight even with the warm temperature, as sharp as a knife. The air was thick and charged with dark energy, heavy trace of something left behind by the dark mage. The two guys hopped from the vehicle first, inspecting their surrounding and nodded to the sorceress when nothing showed up. The moment her feets connected to the ground, her heart began pounding in her chest, making her wobble.

"I'm fine.... It's just... The dark magic around here makes me dizzy..." She smiled ruefully, "The quicker we get rid of it, the better."

They nodded and walked through the street till the doors of Devil May Cry. The entrance was blocked by other crystals that extended to the walls outside, in violet shades and glowing, providing a dim light. Lilith knew that power, it was written in her new grimoire, and she had already learned the spell, not knowing if it would be useful.

She extended a hand to touch one of the purple crystal, being attracted to it, no danger came, just a familiar feeling and she could hear them calling her name, alarmed. She turned back, shaking her head to show that it was alright but they still looked wary. The moment her eyes went back to the crystal, she saw him, the dark bird, in one of the reflections, gazing right at her. He seemed weak, head lowered and... chained.... A lot of feathers coated the floor under his talons, his shrieking faintly echoing in her head, like in her visions. It stayed a second or two and she wasn't sure if she had seen this or not.

Her hand touched the crystal the next instant and she waited, breath caught in her lungs and heart beating faster. Nothing happened, the stone was cold and glowing but no harm, no pain, nothing.

"Told ya it was a bad idea." The white haired boy stood on her left, at a safety distance, trying to climb the sharpy block of gems without success, "Shit ! There's ... There's someone inside ! Fuck, those same crystals are piecing through him !"

"Who is it ?" V asked, standing on her right.

"Dunno, never seen that guy.... Why doesn't he move ? It can't be that bastard, right ?" The boy seemed confused, looking at the sorceress to get an answer.

"I don't feel his presence, he's not here." She glanced inside, not able to tell who the man inside the shop was from there but she was certain it wasn't him .

Nero tried to slice the stones but his sword only clanked against it, not damaging anything, swearing even more. His hit send a small shockwave through the connected crystals, Lilith could sense it as her hand was still on it, it was powerful and should have destroyed it if it wasn't filled with magic.

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