The Game of Temptation ~7~

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Hey guys!

Sorry it's taking forever usually. What with school, Prom, and chores and stuff... I'm just busy ALL THE TIME. Then when I'm not, I'm sleeping. So, sorry!!

Also, this chapter was just hard because... well... the last half of this. It was hard to write. I've never had to write this kind of scene before so give me a break with it, yeah? You'll see what I mean. Just... don't hate me for Isabelle. Please?

Anyways, enjoys and stuffs!

Chapter Seven


 "OK, seriously, enough is enough," Nick said, picking up the book I was reading and slamming it shut.

 "What are you talking about?" I asked, taking the book back and trying to find my page. I'd been studying the chapter for a couple of days now, and I still didn't get it. Maybe I was too busy thinking about... everything.

 "I mean, you've been really weird in the past month. Seriously, just call your girlfriend and apologize or something because we need fun Alex back."

 I rolled my eyes. "I'm still me, dude. Calm down," I said, but I knew he was right. I knew I needed to call Izzy. I knew I needed to tell her that I was sorry I'd been busy. Hell, she'd probably already started freaking out by now. I was surprised she hadn't already called me to yell at me.

 "No, you're not. You're hating yourself, so get over it and call her so you feel better. Besides, you've been ignoring Chloe too and it's obvious we're all getting tired of this."

 I groaned. "You have to be kidding. I haven't been ignoring anyone. I've just been studying. A lot."

 "Yeah, and I'm a virgin. I bet if I went through your texts, there will be nearly none from you to your girl or Chloe," Nick said, already moving to take my phone.

 "I text Izzy. She knows I've been busy. And so does Chloe. I'm not ignoring either one of them," I insisted, giving up on the chapter. It could wait until Nick stopped trying to control my life choices.

 "Yeah, I can see how much you text her. We could make a drinking game of this, Alex. Take one shot for every time you say the words "I'm busy" in a text to one of them. I can already count about five, and that's just to your girlfriend. We'd be hammered."

 I snatched my phone back, shoving it into my pocket. "Stop going through my shit. I've got everything under control, so leave me alone."

 "No, you don't, Alex. Just call what's-her-name and explain everything. She'll understand because it was what we call an accident. A two-second, one-time accident that didn't mean anything. That I know of, anyway."

 I sighed, deciding not to mention that I'd thought about those two seconds more than I'd care to admit. "Fine. Whatever. Care to screw off so I can call Izzy?"

 Nick smirked, raising a hand in surrender. "I'm going. No need to be a dick about it. And hey, good luck."

 He ran out before I could say anything else, and I took a few seconds to just calm down, running a hand through my hair. Well, I guess there was always the chance that she'd been busy too?

 I pulled my phone back out, kind of sad to see she hadn't text me again since the greeting yesterday. I'd given some lame-ass reply and... maybe she was ignoring me now.

 Taking another breath, I hit the button to call her, and waited.

 And waited some more.

 However, I wasn't sure whether to be lucky or sad that I got her voice-mail. After the beep, I coughed slightly, and said, "Hey, Izzy. Look, I'm sorry I haven't really been talking to you. Call me back when you can. I think we need to talk. I love you though, remember that. I really love you."

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