The Game of Temptation ~17~

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Hey guys!

So, just letting you know that the rest of the story is OFFICIALLY planned out all the way until the end. So now I'm super excited to get there and share it with you!!:D Seriously, I'm so excited it's not even funny.

Also, the dedication is to NatTheWeirdo, because it's her BIRTHDAY!!!:D HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:D :D :D

Sorry this chapter sucked though... why couldn't your birthday be on an interesting chapter?!;P Haha just kidding, love you!:)

Anyway... So, this chapter is kind of a filler for the things that are getting ready to happen (You don't know what's going to hit you in three chapters... Hahahaha!(; ) but hope you like it!:D

Even though I think it sucks... Again...:/


Chapter Seventeen


Classes. They are the most important part of college, and the whole reason young adults spend ridiculous amounts of money on life.

However, that doesn't mean I appreciate being forced awake at God knows what time every so often.

"I forgot how much I hated alarms," Care groaned as hers rang out through our dorm. I was lucky this semester; I had no early classes. Well, none earlier than 10AM.

Care, however, had one on Friday mornings. I already knew it was going to be the week ruiner.

"Well, can you shut yours up so I can at least try to get back to sleep?" I complained, burying my head into my pillow to try and regain the sleep I'd lost. I'd been up until 3AM just trying to get a stupid paper done so I didn't have to do it over the weekend, and I was regretting that decision already.

"I don't want to get up though," She whined, sounding like a two-year old who just got told they weren't allowed any sweets.

I laughed, but didn't open my eyes. I refused to move at all, hoping that maybe when Care left, I could just drift off to sleep again.

Unfortunately, that wasn't how my body worked. I was waking up slowly, but surely thanks to the constant beeping of Care's alarm clock.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. "Care, turn the damn alarm off before I get up and pour cold water on you!" I threatened, hearing my own tone and knowing I had three seconds before she did as I said.

Silence fell on the room for a split second before she groaned again.

"Just so you know, Italy, this is why the second semester is worse than the first."

I frowned. "I don't get it."

Care sighed. "You will next year. Somehow during the first semester, getting up is semi-alright. Second semester, your body will hate you."

And like that, my body showed it's hatred towards me by deciding to become fully awake. No going back to sleep for me.

I opened my eyes, watching as Care stumbled around the room looking through her clothes.

"By the way, we're definitely still going to Ren's tonight, right?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. Hopefully we'll finally meet his roommate."

It had been a week since we'd come back, and yet we still hadn't met Adam, Ty's replacement. From what Ren had told me, he was a little worried about letting Adam and Care in the same room because Adam was exactly like her. Except male. So far, Ren had been using lame excuses to keep them apart. Tonight, however, I had a feeling he wouldn't be able to.

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