Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 – Bitter Reality

Thus, Aeros returned to a relative state of calm with the formation of a political newsletter and a codification of its laws. Local barracks were dispatched to distribute the news, and were sent forth to suppress any rioting. However, there was still one more thing preventing the young One-eyed Dragon from winning the complete trust of his people.

"Land, sir. It is customary that you affirm your state with newly captured lands. Soon, runaways and travelers from all over Sengoku  will arrive at our borders with hopes that we will welcome them with open arms. It is only sensible to ensure that we have the space available to them," General Oniniwa muttered, peering across his kotatsu and at his lord.

"Yes, I agree. Your people have always seen you as being rather militant, so why change that? Seize the unused land on our borders with Ignis and Acqua. Azuchi would be too risky, especially with the recent replacement of its lord. So long as you demonstrate that Aeros’s military strength has not yet faded away, everything should work out," General Katakura agreed with a slight nod of his head.

Masamune furrowed his brows at these suggestions, taking a small sip our of his teacup. They were all in attendance for dinner, for the Council often found it easier and more convenient to meet at such times. Thus, it was usually the best moment to push reforms, ideas, or suggestions upon their stubborn lord.

Stabbing into his streak and cutting it to different pieces, the Dragon put on a thoughtful expression as he attempted to envision a potential battle plan. His slices were jagged yet precise, carving out a chunk about the size of Aeros and later, the small strips of land that flanked it to the west and south. “Huh. The Ignis-Aerosian mountains would be better suited in my hands, but the lil’ runt may not agree with that very much. Acqua only uses the woodlands south of here for lumber, which is a waste if you ask me. It could work,” he muttered through a mouthful of food, which later earned him a disapproving glare from Kojuro.

Clearing his throat after finishing a mouthful of vegetables, General Mogami leaned forward, eyes bright with interest. “Perhaps we lead two forces? One directed at Acqua in the south, the other for Ignis. I advise usage of our navy, cavalry, and perhaps artillerymen.”

“Aye, but will stretching our forces out be wise? War and battles are a touchy subject, Yoshiaki,” Kojuro interjected, doubtful and careful as ever.

“Hey man,” Masamune snapped, beginning to get a bit ticked off by his overprotective Right-eye, “It’s not like I’ve never lead an army before. After all, I was the one who acquired those wonderful lands surrounding the Aerosian mountains.”


“Anyway, I like the two army idea-thing. I say I’ll lead the one to Ignis personally, since I still gotta give those moles a piece of my mind for backstabbing my father. Namikawa, you can tag along if ‘ya want. Mizuki and Tachibana can lead the southern campaign-raid-thing,” the Aerosian lord finalized, reclining where he sat and pulling off one of his classic smirks.

Tsunamoto fumed slightly at his exclusion, his gaze cast down upon the leftover grains of rice in his bowl. “Sir, what of the rest of us?” he grunted, fumbling with his chopsticks. It was obvious that the question was pointed directly at Tatsuya, whom everyone knew he was secretly jealous of.

“Well, somebody’s gotta watch over Aeros. Since Kojuro did have a point about the whole stretching our forces thing, you, Mogams, and him’ll watch over things and make sure nothing goes wrong. Kay?” Masamune retorted lightly, his one good eye daring his general to respond.

Glowering, General Oniniwa had no choice but to fall silent.

With that, the meeting was called off, each man cleaning off their scraps and heading out to perform their duties. Namikawa Tatsuya was informed that he was responsible for alerting the artillerymen, who were really just one of the many squads of infantrymen.

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