Chapter 5.5

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Chapter 5.5 – Transition

Something wasn’t right; he could sense it in the dusty air. As Tatsuya carefully read up on the events occurring in the past three or so years, his suspicions were slowly confirmed.

Firstly, it was obvious that the other generals and officials held little to no trust in him, since he had never reckoned hearing anything about the crowning of Evangeline in Acqua, the recent formation of a standing army in a supposedly pacifistic Herba, or the construction of a super prison in southern Azuchi. He was only able to get his hands on such newsletters, journals, and documents via Masamune convincing Yui the Librarian to allow him into one of the ‘off limit’ Forum rooms. There, he was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information hidden in a little closet he hadn’t known even existed until now.

Starting with Acqua, the young general could not help but let out an exasperated sigh as he scanned numerous newspapers complaining about the dissenting parliament, the suffering of the lower districts from poverty and starvation, and a sudden outbreak in pirate activity.

“Some things just don’t change, huh? Though I suppose my father was successful in badgering those stupid nobles into agreeing to his laws... Seems Ms. Evangeline is way too polite and proper to allow such a thing...” he mumbled to himself, casting aside another dusty newsletter and running a tired hand through his mess of hair.

Next off was Ignis, an arid and rather barren country ruled by a sort of ‘representative democracy.’ Though the people could vote, such rights were earned only if one held a certain amount of land and/or wealth, which usually then put the liberty in the hands of the aristocrats and lesser lords.

Ignis’s government was unique, as its power was divided between three. There was the leader, who was in charge of passing legislative laws and ensuring peace was kept within the kingdom. The tactician was hence responsible of managing the military, formulating battle plans, and ultimately executing them. Then there was the economist who monitored commerce, funding, and the overall budget. All three had to agree on certain foreign affairs such as wars, alliances, etc.

 Its leader, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, had come to pass three years ago, explaining why its tactician Takenaka Hanbei had shown up for peace agreements instead. Meanwhile, the sudden disappearance of its economist Sanada Yukimura about a year or so ago resulted in the appointing of a man named Ishida Mitsunari, leaving the leader seat open for the next election. An election that most likely wasn’t going to happen for a long time.

‘I wonder… If Aeros adopted such an elective policy, would it work? … Probably not… though Acqua be blessed if they gave it a try…’ General Namikawa couldn’t help but think as he reached out to pluck a small letter off the massive pile before him.

To no real surprise, not much had occurred in Herba other than some scientific advancements and helpful discoveries in the field of medicine. Being woven amongst a lush forest-jungle, the peaceful country of Herba often preferred to keep out of the ambitious affairs of its neighbors, keeping to the safety of their trees and spending their time trying to figure out the truth about nature. However, to see that their democratically-elected leader, Shiwawamu Kurora, had appointed a general to direct the creation of a standing army, that was often a big sign that something big was about to happen.

Of all the information he read that day, the rise of a nobleman by the name of Oda Nobunaga disturbed him the most. 

‘It seemed like just out of the blue,’ an anonymous journalist wrote, ‘But after hearing about Lord Nagamasa’s treacherous actions, the people rose up and Oda swiftly installed himself at our head. Right out of the shadows themselves he came, and instantly clenched dear Azuchi in his fist. A prison, larger than probably all of Sengoku’s capitals combined, was constructed to the south. It was to ‘discipline the masses,’ he said. Though, if you ask me...

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