Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 - Roll of Thunder

“... Heh... so you’re actually just an arrogant little idiot, aren’t you, Daichi? ... Or should I be more politically correct by calling you, ah, ‘Tatsuoki’?”

Grunting as another mercenary kneed him in the gut, Daichi collapsed to the ground sputtering and coughing, the pain of all the blows he took beginning to make it difficult for him to breathe. Grimacing, he tried to get back on his feet, but both his disoriented vision and surrounding abusers just kept beating him back down onto his knees.

He had a feeling that it was a trap... but seeing as he hadn’t any backups or reliable decoys, Daichi had figured it to be wise for him to just sneak his way in and pray he didn’t get caught. Unfortunately for him, his luck from the previous evening was simply the result of Magoroku organizing his troops to keep an eye on him from a distance. He let him do as he pleased, then waited for him to come so that he could land the finishing blow...

Cursing as another person landed a stiff blow to his head, the ex-mercenary let himself lay on the ground limpy, his dizzy eyes staring at the small puddle of blood that dripped down from his head. Great, that one would take ages to stop... Head wounds were always the worst.

“What, no snarky replies? How unlike you... Then again, I did kill everyone in that pathetic little squadron of yours. Rest assured, they did put up a decent fight... I mean, that black kid took out Ujinao, before I blasted his head in... not that you care,” Magoroku sighed as he stared down at his beaten brother through narrowed eyes.

He was seated in a plain old wooden chair, though the manner in which he sat with one leg crossed over his other and his arm resting lazily upon the chair arm gave the impression that he was trying to make himself look bigger than he actually was. Like a king or something, which was kind of ironic from Daichi’s perspective.  

Gaze flicking about cautiously in search of his gun, his stomach plummeted when someone abruptly picked up his precious weapon, even going so far as to politely step on his outstretched hand to make his situation worse.

“Here, sir...” the man muttered, handing the modified-pistol to Magoroku.

Curiously, the mercenary commander observed the gun, turning and twisting it about in his hand. “So this is your famous gun... I wonder if the rumors about it are true...,” he muttered, suddenly cocking back the flintlock and pointing the barrel at one of his subordinates. However, before the man could object, he pulled the trigger, a muffled puff of air and gunpowder escaping the barrel and propelling the bullet onwards... only for it to land a hand’s width away, tearing its way through a plain clay pot.

“Oh, I guess they are true. This thing really is terribly difficult to aim...” Magoroku murmured nonchalantly as his subordinate began to feel his head for injuries, not yet realizing that he had been tricked. The shrugging, the mercenary tossed it aside like a useless, broken toy, eyes focused on his prey hungrily, “Just... what is your secret, then?”

Cracking a wide smile, Daichi carefully propped himself up on one elbow, wincing at the throbbing pains that wracked his body. He had to be careful... he didn’t know how much more abuse he could take. “If I said that I had... ‘special eyes’, would that annoy you?”

Indeed it did, because he just got kicked in the face again. Honestly, if they were going to kill him...

Magoroku pressed his rifle’s mouth against his brother’s forehead, eyes narrowed darkly. “Whatever, I’ve wasted enough time. Say hi to the Dragon in Hell for me,” he growled, placing his finger on the trigger.

That just about did it. At first it was mild, but soon enough Daichi’s laughter grew and grew until it was full out hysterical. “The DRAGON, you say?” he guffawed, doubling over as his giggling only intensified the pain in his body, “Fuck that, he’ll be the one knocking on your door before you know it! It doesn’t matter whether or not you kill me... I’ve been long overdue for execution anyway...”

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