Author's note

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I was hesitant to post the edits for this but hey, it's not like this'll get published. It's much too... weird. I think. Or. Err. Yes.

Thank you all for pulling through~ I know this wasn't the most exciting piece ever, as I fail when it comes to suspense and just these kinds of stories in general, but maybe I'm just being hard on myself which I tend to be... 99% of the time ^^' Regardless, I'm so happy to see I actually got something out of this (ish) so this wasn't a wasted effort~

I love this video.

... Anywho. I have maybe two things still in the works. One of them is a random thing I did in script to make myself feel better over Taka's situation. I feel bad for making Daichi's death so... sudden, but somehow I feel like it was necessary because if I didn't kill him off then I would have anyway in the potential sequel?? And well, he probably would have died of blood poisoning...

Anyway, I might post that, I might not. Nothing really romancey goes on, though there is flirting and other bromancy things. What happens from here on out depends on whether or not I'll write a prequel/sequel. I got Dynasty Warriors 8 for Christmas so, if it inspires me enough, you might see a sequel. Or if I just get enough ideas and muse in general I might do a prequel stuffed to the brim with irony. Like, seriously. So much.  Sigh.

So yes, thank you again and I hope you look forward to whatever extra crap I decide to upload in the near future? I'm just happy that I got this done and got over 4000 views and 100 votes omg.

And those who were wondering, yes, I totally copy pasta'd this from the end of the former Ch. 42 because professionality reasons omo.

Anywho. See you around!

Your friend and friendly neighbor (is that statement copyrighted),

- Adarian

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