[Extra] That one guy

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Hey~! Guess what reached 100 views as of recent? I’m so happy, it’s not even funny. I don’t care if not a lot of people vote or comment or view. But just the sense that my own hard work is paying off and being enjoyed means the world to me. That’s what I want to live for as an author: to produce works that will be loved by me and others.

Anyways, to show my gratitude, I shall compose random Wattpad-exclusive PoVs or shorts ;3 They may contain spoilers though o.o So if you want the book to be... well, how it is, then ignore these shorts and just know that I love you all <3

In commemoration of 100+ EotD views, I present: A Masamune PoV. Only because he gets so little of them in the actual book xP


Episode something - That one guy.

That one guy. It was always that one guy. That one guy who told on him, that one guy who died, that one guy who got in the way, that one guy who wouldn’t just stay the flip away. As he leaned his head back against the rough bark of a tree, Masamune let out a long sigh, his eyes cast sadly upon the horizon before him. He was currently taking refuge in a small village outside the Aerosan Ring, having abandoned another fierce argument with his father. “All I did was seize that little area by the border. I don’t get why he always makes such a big fuss whenever I go solo. If I’m gonna be lord one day, I outta start early, right?” he thought with a snort, unsheathing his hunting knife and stabbing at a small beetle that was crawling up the tree beside him.

The knife was a gift to him from Kojuro, who had kindly given him the weapon for his 8th Birthday in commemoration of his survival. A representation of his will to live, per say. It was the one and only weapon he was allowed to keep on hand at all times, according to both his father and Kojuro. But now, as he scowled at the intricately carved handle made to show a blue dragon curling around a rocky peak, he wasn’t sure if it was something to be proud of. He couldn’t remember precisely when it was, but one day he had gotten really sick. Strange bumps had dotted his skin, red and inflamed, itchy and painful.  Eventually, after the ‘Month of Hell’ passed, he had awoken to realize something wasn’t right.

He couldn’t see through his right eye anymore. It didn’t take his mother long to notice either, for the ugly, scarred thing caused his performance in training to drop. At first, his teachers had thought it was because he was still recovering from his illness. Which, would have been believable if only he wouldn’t miss every strike aimed at his right side.

“Everything is fine. His mind is sharp, his strikes quick and deadly. Everything, except that one eye of his.”

From that day on, his life was never the same. His mother no longer smiled at him like she used to. She’d always scold him for the tiniest of things, pointing out his obvious weakness constantly. And as if to rub even more salt into the open wound in his heart, her eyes shifted from him, her eldest, to her other son. Kojiro.

Perhaps he would have been okay with it, if she hadn’t taken it so far. It was obvious she hated him now. Was it such a crime to survive? Why, when Masamune had heard the wonderful news that he would be able to live the rest of his life relatively normal, she was the first person he looked to for warmth. But he got none. Just a dish of poisoned dinner. No biggie, right?

Kojiro died the next day. At first, Masamune paid no real mind to his actions. He had honestly felt it was the only way to rid him of his problems. But they just kept coming and coming and coming. The first was his mother, who had fled somewhere after finding her son’s body strewn across the ground. The second was his father, who supported his inheritance but not so much his aggressive actions, resulting in much head-butting on his part. The third... was standing right in front of him.

Through the Eyes of the Dragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें