Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 – Eastward!

Once the people around him were 100% sure that he was alive and well again, Masamune allowed their little Q&A session to begin, starting with Kojurou. Though the two of them hadn’t seen each other in say, 7 or 8 years, he spoke rather calmly and casually, and the two of them were able to communicate like Dragon and his Right-eye once more. There was no tension, no dirty looks, nothing, even after the general had explained to his lord the reasoning behind his disappearance.

“So that’s what happened... I should knife you for not even sending a letter, though!” the lord scoffed, leaning back on his futon pillow and scowling at his general.

Bowing his head respectfully, Kojurou stared at the grass for a while before grunting his apology. “I... am sorry.”

Sighing, the Dragon then turned to gaze at the others, who all seemed anxious to have their own questions answered. Tsuru and lesser ninja had dismissed themselves after Masamune had been confirmed alive, so that left him with three plus Daichi, who had decided to pop in last minute.

“Alright, seeing as I technically just got back from the dead... let’s do a one question per person type system, kay? You first, Kane,” he dictated before stifling a small yawn. They must have been working on him all afternoon since it was pitch black outside and a few lamps had to be set up within the tent to provide for visuals.

“... Er... I suppose... I shall go with the more obvious one. How did you... get here...?” the ninja commander murmured, frowning in a notably puppy-like manner.

Tilting back his head as he searched for the right words, Masamune shrugged his shoulders slightly, unsure of the truth himself. “Beneath the Pagoda is a dungeon made of stone and such. I’m guessing I managed to survive by falling through the weaker parts of the flooring and into the dungeon, where I was kinda sorta shielded from the flames. When I regained consciousness, Ishida was standing over me with his arm held out, ordering me to get up.

Apparently after Akechi ordered him to take Magoroku back to Azuchi, he quickly snuck his way back to Aeros to see if he could at least retrieve my body, and was hence overjoyed to find me still in one piece. Though, seeing as he was running short on time... he smuggled me into a hay cart and sent me off to Azuchi. Though, being the lucky guy I obviously am... the cart just happened to get checked for smuggled goods. Hah! Were they damn shocked to see the Dragon of all things buried there!

... In any case, they sent me to the Prison, just like I was supposed to be before I thought up the genius idea to burn down my HQ. And though I was stuck there for a while, digging holes and shit, a wonderful little angel crossed my path named Hosokawa Gracia. You know, Akechi's precious little daughter? Yeah, well, after some sweet talk, I managed to get her to distract the guards long enough for me to get the hell out of there.

Once outta there... it was pretty much on foot to the Azuchi-Herba border... where that Aki-guy eventually found me. So yeah... thank him,” he explained nonchalantly, making gestures when appropriate.

A look of angst crossed Takatora's face as he struggled to choose what question he would ask. It was almost adorable how bent on following the rules he was... And to think the man had a reputation for stirring up trouble in Ignis. Maybe he and Daichi really were a good thing. Or there was more to his story than he was seeing.

"But your wounds... there's no way a normal person would have..." It was his favorite mercenary that decided to speak up for his partner, eyeing his lord curiously.

Masamune shrugged his shoulders, seeing where he was getting at. "Though the prisons have a pretty bad reputation, if you're a valuable customer... they at least do enough to keep you alive.  That crap I coughed up was probably a mix of soot and mine dust... the burns and cuts and such were never really treated, but they kinda fed me so... I dunno.  Am I still alive?" he muttered, reaching out to poke Kojuro in the cheek. He felt pretty real.

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