Chapter 11.5

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Chapter 11.5 - Pirates

Originally he planned to get some food, return to the warehouse, and then depart for the outer parts. However, graced as he was with money... He felt he needed to get some minor things sorted out first.

Hitching a ride on a small cargo ship, Nao peered into the soft water of Acqua’s man-made lake, picking out different kinds of sea critters, plants, and sunken junk. The boat wasn’t as great or sturdy as the ones he built, so it creaked and shook upon every wave.

“I hear even the pirate’s ships were stronger than this! ... Then again, they did steal some of mine a few years ago...” Nao thought aloud as he listened to the moaning of wood, his stumpy fingers drumming the railing. He was situated on the starboard of the deck, peering over the edge and enjoying the breeze. He always loved that sensation; that of misty, cool air brushing through his short head. It was nice and refreshing...

Nao hadn’t even realized he had spoken for all to hear, however, and was met by a rather cross-looking captain’s gaze. “Excuse me?” the man growled, his voice deep, husky, and intimidating.

Jumping slightly at the man’s sudden appearance, Nao leaned back to gaze at him, eyes round with surprise. “Oh, uh...” he squeaked, beginning to panic with all these burly men staring at him, “I... uh... um...”

It was then that he realized  something was a bit off about the ship's crew. Each man was ripped, their muscles glinting with moisture, their skin marked by battle scars of all kinds. Some had tattoos depicting fearsome creatures, their heavily-toothed jaws hanging open as if to take a chunk out of the man's bicep.

The captain especially held a very powerful aura. His dark eyes bore down on him with such intensity, Nao had to check himself for flames. Just who were these people?! Surely, not all cargo ships held a crew this terrible? Unless of course, this was the result of the Bay Wars against the Eastern pirates.

"I'll ask again," the captain snorted, crusty fingers fidgeting in an impatient manner, "What was that about our ship? Have you a clue to all the crap we've been through, my men and I, just to get a thing that floats?!"

Shrinking away with fear, Nao heard a small whimper escape him, the ferocity of the men’s eyes bringing back memories of the past.

Fearsome sea warriors outlined by smoking red flames, their malicious fires penetrating deep into his ships, his warehouse, and all the other shops around the harbor. Before him had stood a thin teenager, dark hair slicked back beneath a dark bandana. His eyes were bright lightning, flashing satisfaction and sadism upon sight of all the destruction.

"You pathetic shipbuilder," he had sneered, grimy fingers curled hungrily around the shaft of his spear, "At least I'LL be making good use of your work."

Blinking rapidly to clear himself of these constant flashbacks, Nao cast his eyes to the ground, his dusty brown sandals suddenly a lot more interesting than they were before.

"I'm sorry sir. I was being very insensitive. I'm a shipbuilder myself, so I can't help but notice... Please forgive me."

Arching his brow, the sea captain looked him over quizzically, picking out his calloused hands, strong upper build, and avoidant mannerisms. Reaching out, he nudged the younger boy’s chin up so he could meet his gaze, something about his features reminding him of something familiar.

Wondering if something were wrong with his face, Nao shrugged away from the captain and shrunk back against the ship’s railing, confused by the flash of horror in the man’s eyes.

At this, the captain turned and motioned to his first mate to come on over, in which the two engaged in a hushed conversation about their little guest. Nao could only guess the questions. How did he get on? Was it a bribe? Who was he, and why did a Kono need to hitch a ride just to leave the capital?

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