[Extra] Kojuro's Records

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A/N: If you happen to be an expert on Masamune’s early life for whatever reason, the following will probably make your eyes bleed unless I happen to miraculously hit it on the nail. But AMG. 2500+ reads. avnwovneonve. I-I can't even- I love you so much ;u; Even if it isn't much in the long run, just seeing that number escalate over the days makes me happy~ My dream is to write something people will come to enjoy, y'know? So even if it's only a few, at least one is more than none ouo

Anyway~ I've been planning on doing something like this for a while (coughcough4daysagocoughcough) because there's some things I haven't touched upon yet that I wanted to experiment with~ This is meant as clarification, but if it appears later on in the story, that means it was really important or something xP

Sorry if some of the subject matter's are getting repetitive o.o' These are just extras, so you can just durp about until I get working on Ch. 13~

So yeah. I'M ON A ROLL BABY- *gonna jinx self*


Whilst rummaging through General Katakura's quarters for hints on his disappearance, General Oniniwa stumbled upon an aged journal seemingly recording and reflecting Lord Masamune's growth ranging from after losing his eye to his attacks on Ignis and Acqua.

Having heard it all before, he bestowed the collection of scrolls upon General Namikawa, whom he felt would take great interest in its contents...


- Year 8* -

He is recovering well, much to my relief. Though I sense much bitterness swirling about inside him, Bontenmaru* continues to push himself to his very limit. His fights with Tsukimaru have escalated ever since his awakening from the fever... I fear all I can do is sit back, watch, and attempt to calm him when I can. It is a dangerous time... Only time will tell if Lord Terumune's stalling act will last...


The other day, I pulled together my pay from the fields to have a special knife crafted for my young lord. Ah, no. That is incorrect. 'Friend', he calls me. Though I allow him to think what he wishes, there is no doubt that I am no more than a servant to the Date family. Even so... the thought comforts me...

The young lord does have quite the dazzling smile when he is pleased. My only fear is that he will come to lose this when the time comes for him to open his eye to the world. As if his current situation wasn't bad enough...


Yoshihime has been unusually cruel as of late. She blatantly ignores dear Bontenmaru, scoffing at every mistake he makes, sneering at his weaknesses, his faults.

On multiple accounts I was tempted to rise to his defense, but my rank and duty held me back. To speak up against my Lord's wife... I cannot risk throwing away my life on something so... frustrating.

I want to comfort him, to let him know I will always be there for him, by his side. Just like his missing Right-eye. No, if I could fill in for that void... then I....


- Year 10* -

Bontenmaru came to me in tears last night. His voice was harsher than a screaming child and his eye, oh, I wish I could erase it from my mind. That fear, that hatred, that ire. I honestly was not surprised in the slightest when Tsukimaru's death reached my ears.

Stabbed in the back, said the other servants, then violently slit across the throat. Ah, so that's where the blood scent on my young lord came from...

Yoshihime was horrified by the brutal loss of her youngest son, so much she disappeared into the night without a trace. Though some speculated suicide, the rest accepted it as fleeing. She already deserted her eldest mentally. Why not physically?

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