[Extra] In the semi-conscious mind of Nobuchika a.k.a Rin

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A/N: Uwaaa, 200+ views! ;^; I so happy in my strangely-emotional state~ .u. (Edit: Make that 500... o.o)

For this achievement, I bring to you Rin’s ‘Stream of Consciousness’ (unconsciousness?) while he mopes about in prison. Only 'cause I couldn’t think of anything else, and am seriously procrastinating on my progress for the rest of Chapter 7 OTL.

Euro is taking over my life, man. When I was considering PoV topics, my mind drifted to the post-WWI stuff we’re learning in class and I was all like, ‘Hey! Stream-of-Consciousness sounds like fun !:D’

... So, prepare to be confused. Rin has... issues...


The floor of the prison was cold, gross, slimy, smelly, gritty, and filled with the overwhelming scent of lost hope and decaying matter.

He tried his best to ignore this fact, concentrating primarily on the fact that he ached all over, was in prison, was probably sentenced to death without a fair trial, would probably never see the faces of his brother, nevertheless real humans, ever again, that he was actually rather hungry, parched, and in pain, that he should probably stop thinking about unnecessary but still kind of necessary things because it was hurting his already hurting brain but then again he didn’t really have anything better to do so he just kind of lay there, motionless, ish, if you subtracted the fact that he was still breathing and everything, and whoa, was that the squeaking of a mouse? He couldn’t tell.

He was too tired to tell.

He then began to wonder how it was he ended up there, but he had had in fact invaded the castle or something or so he thought he did but then something happened and hey, he got shot right? So why couldn’t he feel a thing? ... But he just said he was in pain, so now he really, really, really was confused.

He missed the waves. He missed feeling the warm, but sometimes cold, salty breeze ripple past his gallant vessels, licking his nicely-tanned skin, filling his lungs with their fresh scent, and allowing him the liberty to believe he was truly free. That he would no longer have to worry about the choking restrictions of government, of class rankings, of family constrainments. That it was just he, his boat, some burly pirates, and the wide-open, not-so-blue sea.

Honestly, why did poets and writers keep calling the sea blue? All it was was the water reflecting the light of the blue sky above the horizon, thus giving the impression that it was blue when really, it was clear, but really, it should be brown because that was the colour of sand but brown water would be gross so yeah. Blue. Ish.

Where was Nori, in all of this? Was he dead too? Did he... did he manage to get away? And Genjiro, Shiyo, Bruce, etc, etc...

He remembered seeing a gravesite. It was weird, and oddly located. But either way, it was a site, with graves, graves engraved with his family’s names. Who would bother to go through so much trouble to build graves for his family? To carefully and skillfully carve out each of their names, place the stones next to each other as if standing in the throne room, like that one family portrait they had taken before he turned, like, 12 or something?

Surely, it wasn’t one of the nobles. They probably hated him, and his dad, and his mum, and maybe his brothers. The maids wouldn’t care, nor the man-maid-people, as Morichika used to say. Mermans. Mermen? He remembered that joke from somewhere...

He remembered falling, for his side was bleeding pretty badly and the sight of seeing his real name had startled him somehow. For the past, oh, six or so years, he had taken on the name Rin. Rin, as was given to him by Norishige, due to his cold and aggressive nature. Or at least, he was, until they buddied up and everything. He never quite knew how Nori knew the language of the Aerosians. He said he was an Acquan... or maybe he didn’t... or... he forgot.

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