Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 - Reunited at last

After their quick trial, the RAO leaders were allowed to mingle about the palace, Ginchiyo harassing Tsunamoto for information on their other comrades, Kado asking a nice maid to find him a comfy place to sleep, and Shun running off with Nao to explore their first home again. The King, however, waved Masamune aside, and the two friends wandered the back halls  of the castle quietly.

“... So... how didja do it?” the Aerosian murmured as he walked, ignoring Tatsuya’s worried glances at his bandages. Which reminded him, he needed to get those redressed... He hadn’t done so since first boarding the ship.

“I... had friends, thankfully. If it weren’t for Yui, Shiyo, Nao, and Tsunamoto... I don’t know what would have happened. But, none of that really matters to me right now...” Sighing, the King stopped Masamune and turned to face him, a sort of sorrowfulness to his dark gaze. “I just... is it really you...?”

Sighing deeply himself, Masamune shook his head slowly and seized the man’s scarf, yanking his head down so that their lips could meet. ‘Decide for yourself,’ he seemed to scoff, feeling him press up against him longingly. He had to admit, despite the fact that he tended to be a bit numb in the romance department, it felt really nice to be there with him again. Nothing about it felt too strange or too wrong, so he figured it was okay to keep going.

Though he hesitated at first, Tatsuya soon let himself relax and returned his affection with most likely triple the passion, the strength of his emotions nearly knocking his partner over. Like, literally, he was practically squishing him up against the hallway and it was kind of uncomfortable considering that he was still recovering.

“Ngh... yo... Tatsu.... OUCH,” the Aerosian hissed, abruptly shoving free and falling to the ground hard as he lost his footing on the rug. Cursing, he just kind of fidgeted there for a while, his rear throbbing and some of his burns beginning to sting as his skin was stretched.

Alarmed, the poor King struggled with himself internally before kneeling down to check on his friend, both worry and guilt heavy in his eyes. “S-sorry, I-I should have... I should have been more careful since you’re hurt and I-” he started stammering before Masamune rolled his eyes and kicked him hard in the soft spot.

“Oh shut up already. I survived a freakin burning building; I think I can survive your love!” he scolded as his friend flopped over in agony. Although it was kind of funny at first, Masamune couldn’t help but feel a bit bad about kicking a King in the balls and took his turn at checking if the other was still alive, seeing as his roughhousing would have to diminish a bit.

Tatsuya was oddly still, not a sniffle or hiss or anything escaping him. “Oh gods, c’mon, don’t tell me that actually kill-”

“... What you said...” his friend murmured, not turning to face him, “About... about my... um... feelings for you. You’re... really okay with them...?”

Honestly, if he hadn’t been smart and turned his back to him, Masamune would have kicked him again. “... Tatsuya, let’s use your brain for once. If I wasn’t cool with it... would I have kissed you like that just moments before?” he grumbled, prodding the back of his head with his pointer finger. Either Acqua had amazing shampoo or his natural hair was just better, it felt kind of nice... and not that he would actually try it, but he figured it would smell nice too. Cause he was king, obviously, not any other reason.

Now deciding to take the risk, Tatsuya rolled over to meet his gaze, frowning doubtfully. “Well... is that like, an indirect confession or...?”

Oh. THAT’S what he was getting at. Averting his gaze to his hand, Masamune kind of fiddled with his mother’s ring, remembering something about Acqua. Unlike Aeros, their weddings were like, really extravagant and fancy and stuff (no surprise there), while the former just had the families get drunk together and such. Big difference.

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