Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 - Regret

It took awhile for him to convince Sakon and the other commanders that the pirate ships carried with them their allies from the south, but alas the fleet managed to land smoothly. There were at least five ships in total, each manned by a pirate and transporting a vast bulk of battle ready soldiers.

As the Ignese officers hunkered back, weapons raised in case it were a trap, several planks were thrown off the sides of the many vessels and down came two men from the lead vessel. Had Takatora not spent time in the RAO camp in Herba, perhaps he would have been alarmed to see Genjiro of the Eastern Pirates and Date Masamune of Aeros coming their way as well.

“Oh, hey there Taka-kun. Great to know you’re alive,” the Dragon remarked cheerfully, his one eye taking in the sea of shocked faces before him. While he swung his arms back behind his head in a stretch, his sea captain beside him bowed politely to the Ignese officers, a hint of anxiety hidden amidst his movements. It had been years since he had last seen home, and already he was beginning to fear for the worst.

“Greetings, soldiers of Ignis,” Genjiro greeted, his voice calm and level despite the turmoil inside, “My name, as some of you may or may not know, is Sanada Genjiro Yukimura... Otherwise known as Nobushige. I and the One-eyed Dragon, Date Masamune, have come on behalf of the Resistant forces against Oda...”

Lowering his head, he shot a sideways glance at his commander, but seeing as he had mistakenly chosen to stand at his right, the man failed to notice.

“How is that possible?! Sanada Nobushige was condemned to Azuchi prison, and Date Masamune was presumed dead with his country!” Shima Sakon spat, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Swiftly, his hand flew to his blade, but before he could draw it, Masamune was already at his throat, knife brandished.

“Look, I don’t have time to re-tell the same story over and over again. Look into my eye and tell me to my face that I ain’t me,” the Dragon snarled, pressing the blade up against his throat threateningly.

"Lord Masamune!" Takatora snapped, forcing his way between the two men and glaring them down like children, "There is an army of flustered footsoldiers to our rear. Do deal with them first before making enemies out of your allies!"

Picking up on his irritation, the Aerosian puffed out a sigh, drawing away and raising his blade above his head. "Second squad, go," he called over his shoulder, and a flood of energetic RAO supporters poured off the boats to aid the Ignese troops.

"Don't do anything rash, milord!" Oniniwa Tsunamoto called as he and his horse breezed past to catch up with his troops.

In return, Masamune gave him a small wave, a glint of mischief in his eye. "Aye."

Relieved by this break, the newly appointed Tactician murmured a small apology to his general before turning to address the two RAO commanders more properly, his hands stuffed in his long sleeves to keep them still. "Based upon the crest on your ship sails, I expect you succeeded in restoring the Chōsokabe’s reign?” he asked, blinking a lock of curly red hair out of his eyes.

Hesitating for some reason, Masamune gazed off in the direction that his general had left for, biting on his lower lip slightly. “Oh, uh, yeah. I went just swimmingly...,” he murmured rather vaguely, his right hand picking at the end of his jacket sleeve absentmindedly. Compared to the Masamune he had encountered prior to their parting ways, he seemed... different somehow. Or perhaps he was just over thinking things again...

Genjiro then stepped forward to speak, seeing as his companion was being awfully indirect with his answers. "Señior, if you could, allow us to speak with Lord Ishida. We have Takenaka Hanbei on board, so if you could-" He started diplomatically before finding himself cut off by Shima Sakon's shock.

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