Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 - Wise Hawk

Before him was a monster, a beast, a man renowned for his cold heart. A man who, like lightning, struck his target without a moment’s hesitation and, like a ghost, left no trace but the pool of blood spilled at his victim’s feet.

Or at least, that's how he was before he met him.

There were multiple times when he, Takatora, deemed him a robot, a being who only lived and breathed by his master’s orders. He knew he had no right to label a person based upon the way they acted, since even this man, a man who was far from being human, was just that. A human being with a beating heart, a soul, a mind with morals. Even if it didn’t look like it.

He just stood there, watching silently from the shadows as the mercenary was unloaded from the ship, arms bound in front of him where everyone could see them. The ones who pushed him along had taken care not to carry any weapons themselves, each person knowing very well what he was capable of. It was said that, though he was death itself with a gun, he was just as wicked utilizing any other smaller weapon: a light katana, knives, or perhaps, a lanky polearm. No one wanted to take any risks, and that included Takatora, if not more.

This man, the one with the fierce amber-brown eyes that burned like hot coals, was once very dear to him. He was once, many years ago, not a demon who took lives on a whim, who manipulated and tricked those around him to get what he wanted, but a friend. A brother, perhaps. A lover.

Hanbei approached the small group casually, his arms swinging at his sides as he nodded his acknowledgements to one of the people surrounding the mercenary captive. From what Kanetsugu told him, she must have been Tachibana Ginchiyo of Aeros.

“Aerosians, some pirates, a mercenary, and perhaps a stray from Acqua. Seems you’re gonna fit in just perfectly,” the Ignese leader greeted them, his voice rising and falling as if he were excited, but his blank gaze revealing his true boredom. 'He really doesn’t care about how important this moment is, does he?' Takatora thought with a stifled sigh, shaking his head slowly before returning his gaze to the meeting. He couldn’t blame him. He was technically a kid.

He then noticed Daichi struggle against one of the 'guards’ that held him, only tensing once Hanbei chose to stick his face in front of his. Flinching, the mercenary swiftly looked away, as if he were afraid to show something. To the peasant scholar, it looked to be something along the lines of guilt... then again, the man was said to be a gifted actor. 

“Hmmph. Well, let’s not dawdle for too long; I’m tired. Hurry up and unload. I’ll be napping if you need me.” Yawning, Hanbei spun around and stalked off, allowing his fellow strategist to take his place.

The man was Mori Motonari, as he was better known as, and he paused in front of the tired group with his arms crossed behind his back, his scrutinizing gaze scanning each and every one of them carefully. Having been surrounded by dark-skinned Herbans for many years, it must've been more comforting to see some folks from the north join him. “I expect your travels went smoothly, Captain?” he questioned, his voice dull and emotionless as always.

One of the pirates straightened upon hearing his name, raising an arm to salute the Herban general. “Sure, sure. No waves can match my mighty vessel!” he scoffed, puffing out his chest pridefully. Ugh. Takatora hated him already.

A twinge of annoyance disturbed the general's cool composure upon hearing the pirate captain’s response, but he quickly brushed it away and turned to the Aerosians. “Intel reports say that your choice to come here was a wise one, though it is a shame your lord chose to stay behind. Aeros is currently under fire, and it is unsure as to whether or not they will prevail..." he informed them, his voice not bearing even a hint of sympathy, "If it so happens that utilizing the mercenary as a sort of bargaining device will result in failure, do ensure he be quickly disposed of so that we may plan a final retaliation..."

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