Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 - Finale

“Great job men! We drill through their skulls the moment color re-enters the sky!” Masamune cheered once the wall segment was confirmed to be down, smirking as everyone began to disperse to prepare for battle.

Dawn had just graced the horizon, its warming light glistening against the frost and snow from the previous night. The group from the prison raid had arrived at that time, all those that were deemed fit enough to fight quickly attended to and sifted into the main army. Reunions were had, some prayers were given for the deceased, and everyone retreated to their tents to escape the frozen winter.

After waking up early to shovel their gear out of the freezing aftermath, the RAO soldiers hurried to tear down the Azuchian wall, making good haste before the enemy could act before them. Aided by the pirates, the lighting and setting of the explosives went rather smoothly, and alas, they all stared in awe at the crumbled mess that was their morning’s efforts.

“We should hurry before Oda can mobilize,” Tsunamoto murmured to his lord, his arms wrapped around himself in a feeble attempt to keep warm.

“Yeah, sure, whatever, let’s just go!” Tadatsune agreed, beaming despite his lingering exhaustion from being pent up in the prisons for so long. Motioning to the Tachibana's to come closer, they all managed to get their men into order, lining them up appropriately and heading into the capital city.

The area was eerily calm, no sign of hostility or struggle anywhere. Even though there was a troop of enemy soldiers storming through, the people did not react, greeting them calmly when passed or asking if it was necessary for them to surrender as well.

"I don't like this..." Masamune hissed as he passed a mother playing robotically with her child, eyes dull as she tossed a ball to her child and watched as she squealed with glee. It seemed a little... too peaceful. Was this in a sort Oda's twisted idea of a perfect world? One where the people were so suppressed they were hardly human anymore? Or was there a darker side to the story than he had realized?  

There were no soldiers in sight either... could that mean all the fighting men were in the east trying to hold off Shima? Or was this truly a trap?  Masamune didn't stop to consider until they were just outside Azuchi castle, weary eye scanning its exterior for anything off. The air was still, the area empty.

"... I'll go ahead," Kojurou volunteered, slipping past his lord before he could object and forcing his way through the castle's front gates.

A few breathless moments passed. Masamune inched his way up the cobblestone steps, straining his ear to hear for any sounds. Shouting, perhaps, or a sound of struggle. But there was nothing. Pushing open the door, the Dragon entered the abandoned castle, noting the damage to the walls. Gunfire. Could it be that Magoichi had finished the job here too?

He carefully picked his way up the stairs, grimacing as each step creaked beneath him. Tsunamoto was right on his ass, occasionally glancing up at his rash lord nervously.  'We should leave,' he mouthed to him as they neared the top, aged hand reaching out to touch Masamune's shoulder.

The lord however, waved his hand away as he halted before the landing. The second floor seemed less abused than the first, but it still had that same empty feeling to it. ‘Just what exactly-’

“... Lord Masamune.”

Jolting, Masamune felt himself stumble forward, though he was able to whirl around in time to see that the man behind him was no longer Tsunamoto, but Saika Magoichi himself.

“You!” the Dragon hissed, whipping out his katana and getting into a defensive position. Having allowed himself to be caught off guard like that, he was now on full alert, mind whirling as he began to consider the worst case scenarios. Perhaps this was a trap and the mercenary boss was here to end him, having turned out to be one of Oda’s lackeys after all. Kojurou and Tsunamoto could have been killed while he was preoccupied with figuring out what was up with the castle, leaving him wide open for attack.

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