Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 - Weeping

That night, he had a dream. Surrounded by the screams of warfare, the heat of battle, and the suffocating stench of blood, he had been knocked to his knees by a mysterious foe, scarlet pouring from a wound in his side. Grimacing at the pain, Tatsuya looked up to see his dear lord outstretch a hand to help him up, a bright smile spread across his face.

“Whatcha sitting there for? Let’s go!” Masamune mused cheerfully, his blue-grey eye clear and free of worries.

Reaching out a shaky, blood-stained hand, he grasped his gentle hand tenaciously, wanting so very much to embrace him tightly in his arms. Unfortuantely, now was not the time.

Heaving himself to his feet, he was just about to turn and thank his friend before a splash of red spattered across his face. There, jutting out from his love’s chest, was the crookedest blade he had ever seen.

Masamune’s eye was wide with horror, his mouth gaped open as if he was just about to say something important, but was cut short by the monstrous being behind him. Rooted in place, Tatsuya had no choice but to watch as the blade was torn free from his lord’s body, sending him tumbling to the ground, all life flowing out of him like a river.

“Moto...chika...” His voice breathed in his ears, resonating throughout his head and sending strange vibes throughout his body.

He snapped. “TOJIROOOO!!!” he screamed, diving to catch his body before it could disappear beneath the liquid. Though, just before he could so much as touch his friend’s rapidly cooling face...

He awoke

He… was propped up against a hard rock wall. Sleeping bodies and salvaged supplies were scattered around him, and the tunnel/cave was lit by torches mounted onto the walls.  '... Where... am I?' he thought blurrily, letting out a long moan before heaving himself to his feet.

The last thing he remembered... he was running faster than any steed he'd seen, screaming at the top of his lungs, "RETREAT!" He remembered ushering every man he could find into a strange tunnel that had been blasted open, most likely by their attackers. Every mercenary they came across in their panic they killed... knowing very well that their murderous spree was nothing compared to the catastrophe above ground.

Opening and closing his hand, he grimaced as he was reminded of the hot stickiness of blood... Never before had he wanted to kill so badly. It was terrifying, actually; terrifying what he was capable of. And after that terrible dream... he never felt more broken.

"... Good morning, Namikawa." It was Tsunamoto, and damn, did he look terrible. Then again, they all probably did.

Nodding to his general slowly, Tatsuya exhausted an elongated sigh, feeling a heavy emptiness in his chest. Yes, he knew this feeling all too well... it was the sensation of loss. Of grief and sorrow, and most prominently, of helplessness.

"... The explosions have stopped... so I expect that it's all over now...," the older man continued, lowering his eyes at his Left-eye’s refusal to respond, "... I sent a few scouts ahead... but we haven't been able to reach the others. I... I can only fear for the worst. However, because Yui had lead us to this place, we have managed to find old rations. They're not pleasant, these age old ship crackers, but it's sustenance..."

Yes, Yui. If it weren't for her, they all probably would have been caught or killed. He had no idea that Aeros had a system of underground tunnels... and apparently, neither had Tsunamoto. It was the thing of legends, really.

"Tatsu-sama, I found something really cool down this way! Do you have the time?" said girl came scampering over, her features bright despite the grim situation they were in. As he hadn't much else to do other than mope, he allowed her to lead him around, dully scanning the tunnel structure as they went along. Now that he thought about it, it kind of reminded him of the dungeon under the pagoda... the walls were smooth, the ground was lined with a neat path of stones, and the tunnel ceiling was supported by thick beams. Like a mine shaft, but more structured and less temporary.

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