Chasing Stars (15)

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Chapter 15

"Today, I've had fun." I sighed heavily as I leaned on the balcony staring at the moon, feeling the cold breeze of the midnight air.

"So did I." Mikhail answered, taking a sip of wine from his wine glass. I watched as he finish the wine sexily- I mean smoothly.

"Cecil, you must be a dancer in your past life. Since you managed to dance with the fast beat of the waltz earlier without feeling thirsty." I giggled as I tap on his broad shoulder.

"I'm just an average dancer, Your Highness. Plus, I think you dance better than me." It was not a lie though. He carried and lead the dance even with so many swishes and sways. The count of the waltz started with a 'one-two-three-four and 'one-two-three-four step, but as the music played longer, our steps soon turned into a 'one-two-three-four-five' and a 'one-two-three-four-five-six' until our steps ended with a 1258372768-

"Did dancing with me not make you feel anxious anymore?" I shook my head.

"I'll admit that it did at first, but when both of us started dancing, it lessen my anxiousness. Thank you." Mikhail nodded in reply.

"The pleasure is mine, Cecil."

The crowd at the banquet hall stayed rowdy as ever, with all the chit-chatting and murmuring, but here in the balcony, both of us stayed silent. Not saying a single word as we just stared at the moon. I remember that I used to stare at the moon on the balcony in my past marriage life as well. I did it often while waiting for my husband to arrive late at night, just to see him arrive home in the broad daylight.

I sighed deeply. Would my life be better after revenge? I wanted to do many things, like traveling from nation to nation, working at the Imperial Palace like my father and sitting with paperwork all day, visiting my relatives from other nations, falling in love, having children of my own, growing old with the man I love and die peacefully and happy.

I sighed deeply once again. Thinking about this just makes me more anxious. Seeing the fall of Rachelle throughout my revenge would be eye candy, but what happens after that? I ruffled my hair gently, trying not to mess hair. But then I notice that something was missing.

Right! Sapphire Forrest was disguised as a hairpiece! I cupped my hair again hoping to touch the ring, but sh*t, the ring was nowhere to be found. It must've fallen when we were dancing earlier! I mean, come on- with all those spins and steps and speed dancing earlier, of course, an unsecured 'hair piece' would fall out of my hair! Is this the time where I finally meet my end?! Without even carrying my revenge yet?

But calm down- we can always ask someone for help. Like that one newspaper ad called 'Call a friend!'

I turned to Mikhail who had his chin rested on his palm. He looks at me with his brow raised. "H-have you seen- you know, Sapphire Forrest anywhere earlier? Like, did it fall from my hair? Or did it touch the ground?"

"You were looking for this?" He shows his left hand that was hidden earlier with Sapphire Forrest wrapped around his forefinger. I was bugged eye to see it, but at the same time, I felt relieved.

"Oh god! Thank God that you have it!" This means I don't need to get beheaded.

"Didn't I tell you that I'll take care of it? I knew that Sapphire Forrest would most likely fall from your hair whether you like it or not. It is unsecured after all."

I raised my brow at him as I pointed at the ring that was wrapped around his finger. "How'd you get that, anyway?"

"I got a chance to secretly remove it from your hair whilst we were dancing." I then turned my eyes to the sky, reminiscing when did I think it was. And oh- flashback but, maybe he did steal it whilst we were dancing I guess.

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