Chapter 2

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My family is known as Daupan-chang, a family that has a bakery and a daughter that wants to be a fashion designer. Which is not a lie on my part.

Marinette POV

As I enter the school with Alya, my best friend said that there were rumors going around that our class will not have end-of-year graduation but our class will be going on a trip for 2 weeks out of the country.

As we walked to class we tried to figure out where the trip could be we thought of England, Germany, China, and even the U.S. but we dismissed that idea quickly because it cross the world even tho we went  there for Friendship Day in New York.

As we walked to the class, we sat down and started chatting while we wait for Miss. Bustier to come in. While we waited for her, she walked in with a smile on her face. Then she said " Ok class, I know that there have been rumors going around that our class, is not having a graduation party but we are going on a trip. I can confirm that we will be going on a trip." She said. After that questions started flying at her like ' where are we going?' 'who's paying for the trip?'

'When are we going?' Even 'Why are we going?'. After the class settle down a bit, she answered most of our questions like 'who's paying for the trip?' she said " it's a sponsored trip by a family",and 'When are we going?' " We're leaving this Monday it was a Thursday so we had school Friday and then that weekend to pack.", 'Why are we going?' It's an opportunity for one of our students." she said as I wonder who it could be. Then she finally answered the most important question of them all 'Where are we going' " We are going to GOTHAM CITY!!!!" She said with so much happiness. I froze.

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