Chapter Eighteen

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The smell of sweat and blood almost made Katherina gag.

She had asked Azriel to take her flying the night before, but when she went to look for him the next morning, Nesta informed her that Azriel had to attend to some business in the Court of Nightmares.

Instead, she had requested Cassian's help in getting her to the Illyrian training camps.

(She had asked Mor, Elain, Varian, and even Amren if she could spend time with them, but they were all too busy, leaving Cassian.)

Cassian wasn't someone she disliked. It was only that a sweaty, hostile male-dominated camp was the last place she wanted to be.

Katherina wore a jumpsuit. It was as black as night, exactly like the bird, but whenever the sun shone in precisely the right manner, it featured the dark blue, purple, or green tint that of a raven.

From the waist up, it hugged her body skin tight, while the bottom was loose and flowy. Her entire back was exposed, ending just above her hip.

Katherina wore simple rings on her hands. There is no design or glitz. It's just a silver ring.

She wore a crown that matched her rings on her head to indicate her rank in the Night Court family.

Katherina wore her hair in a way that, (Thanks to the crown) made it seem as though she had shoulder length hair.

The training camp was very busy at this time of year. A large number of new and young Illyrians would gather to train.

From what her father told her, before females were not allowed to train. Instead kept inside to clean, cook and take care of the children.

The High Lord, on the other hand, had made it possible for females to train alongside males.

"What are you thinking about, Princess." Cassian asked as they made it towards the center of the training camp.

Katherina sat down on one of the stools near the fighting ring.

"I was just curious as to why there is a female area and a male area?  Didn't my father say that females should train with males?"

"Some males still believe that females aren't born to fight, so they remain primarily to themselves."


Then a smirk appeared on his face.

"Plus, some males find the females 'distracting,'" he added. He winked as he wrapped his hands around in bandages.

Katherina laughed, "I can believe that."

And so what is it that you do here, Mr. Commander Cassian," she teased.

"You're going to find out," He said. Cassian tugged his shirt off, revealing his stunning tattoos and muscular physique.

Wanting to see the action, Katherina walked with him towards the group of males that were lifting weights and such.

They formed a queue to meet Cassian as soon as they saw him. Standing still, they awaited whatever request their Commander demanded of them.

Katherina was struck by a sense of awe. She pondered how things were when Cassian was one of them. Soldier who is young, inexperienced, and untrained.

For the time being, he was a powerful and fearless Illyrian. Commander Cassian of the Night Courts Armies. It suited him perfectly.

Their strong demeanor shifted when they encountered Katherina. Katherina couldn't say she blamed them.

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