RID 2001~Latest Thoughts...

592 13 0

*Cybertronian Violence Warning... If it counts*

An Egyptian blue mech was venting in excruciating pain as he fought off the stasis lock programming.

"If you had never caused us that much trouble... Well, you know the rest," purred a voice as leaf green optics glared in amusement with a hint of insanity.

The exhausted mech replied with nothing before he suddenly felt pain explode around his right shoulder pad, rendering it useless as the joint got ripped off.

The leopard mech in front of him flashed his fangs in amusement.

"Why no talk? Just tell me why, and I will end your life in the least painful way. Or we can take it the hard way, and slowly die off~" he sang.

'Never,' the subconscious of the mech answered. He will never admit that he stole from the Predacons of all factions because he nominated. He had the skill. But he knows he can't use it now. How can he escape the clutches of the opposing faction with all these injuries and now a dislocated shoulder?

He glared at the blood red and ash grey mech, his Islamic green optics were filled with defiance.

"N... Never," he rasped quietly, to the point he himself could barely hear. Suddenly he was slammed down to the ground and was left.

"You are lucky... Your defiance is yet to be solved~" he half singed in disappointment before he transformed and left.

The prisoner gasped for air in vain before he shakily ripped off the blade, and swallowed back the agony that rose.

'Is Kickwave alright? Did he ran off? Or is he captured, and tortured like me?' Thoughts of that erupted subconsciously as he looked up. Tears flowed from worry and pain. He closed his Islamic green optics, wanting to recharge with no bot to wake him up.

~TopRazor, TOPRAZOR!~ yelled a voice through the sibling bond. Who called his designation? ~Top, don't leave me!~ It was small... that of an 8-stellar cycles mech. TopRazor mustered all is strength to respond to his little brother's cry.

~K-k-k-kickwave?~ he asked in a raspy voice. That's when it clicked to him that he was in so much agony that he unblocked the bond.

~Top! Are you hurt?!~

~A-are y-you a-alright?~ he vented, his optics barely online.

~Toppy I'm fine, but you're hurt! Where are you?!~ he yelled back. TopRazor vented in relief for the first time. He felt the weight of the sky releasing his spark at his brother's well being.

~I-i-m fine... Lil bro... Just keep on going... I don't think I'll return...~ Suddenly he coughed up Energon and his helm hit the ground. TopRazor's frame can barely handle anything else...

At once a force clawed into his chassis plates and lifted him up, then slammed him onto a wall.

"Break is over for us~" sang the same mech from earlier before he received a commlink.

::WHAT?!:: he roared in annoyance and laughed.

::Lord Megatron... Informs you to proceed to... Extreme measures...:: gulped a feminine voice. Chrome grinned insanely like a child on Christmas.

"Well finally, now the real gun begins!" he exclaimed before he ripped off Top's visor, and viciously clawed his left optic at once!

An echo of pain roared in the room as TopRazor gasped in pain at once, pain flashing in and out.

Chrome thus slammed the prisoner to the ground and stomped on his right servo.

"You had a choice, petty thief. Let's see what you will do without an optic and a servo," he growled. "All I ask were information, and I received nothing. What are you protecting, hmm? I would gladly know that."

He received no response as he kneeled down and grip on the wrist guard, snapping it off the youngling's arm.

"Hmm... I guess I actually killed him," he frowned as he checked the pulse. "Or he went onto stasis lock..."

//TopRazor's POV\\

"Big bro... Are you alright?" I looked over at my brother's voice and let out a sigh. That memory still haunts me. I lost an optic and servo... And now I try my best to ignore it, but I look at that handicap claw that used to be my servo... It's a reminder of my foolishness.


I looked up at my brother. The pale blue mech stared back at me...

"Aye'm sorreh... Wha' were ya sayin'?" I lied, knowing clearly what he said.

"I said that it was my fault."

I stiffened. "No, it wasn't. I'm supposed to protect you. These," I pointed to my damaged optic socket and claw, "are a reminder to think before acting."


I felt the need to be violent for no reason, so I wrote it. And I wanted to reveal TR's (TopRazor) biggest change in life.

I do not own Transformers, only OCs.

Happy Easter!

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