Armada: Just One Recharge

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Main Character: Nickleback

Genre: Deep Thought

Rating: PG-PG13

I will say it will be a better enhancement effect if you listen to the media above while reading this

Nickelback and Holotrail: 19NC_Medix

Transformers: Hasbro/Takara Tomy


He felt the rain splattering on his armor, making a "chchchchchch" sound. The silver mech just relaxed on the boulder tiredly, his optics dimmed.

He was tired of everything. Nickelback just wanted to recharge, he wanted to get away from the war. Fight, dodge, roll, repeat. Shoot the enemy, deliver this, deliver that.  Repeat. Stalk this Autobot, tackle that Autobot...

Nickel was tired. He hated the war. It took away his home, his family, his friends... He had nothing else to fight for...

He wanted to lay down and forget. He wanted to forget everything. The memories made him feel older then he was actually, it made him feel like he was part of the dust.

The only thing that kept the silver mech intact was the rain that hit his frame, it made him feel... Alive. Like as though he wasn't dust, but instead a frame. 

But could he say the same to his mind?

Nickel smiled softly at the memory of his older sister. He remembered calling her a piece of scrap and such, yet the next thing they were apologizing.

The jet recalled more memories, the time they both decided to prank their sire; when they made fun of all the "cool bots" as they labeled them;  the time when they argued so hard they stopped talking for five days.

He looked down over the holobox in his servo and gazed absent-minded before he broke into silent tears.

You had to be gone Holotrail... WHY?! he thought to himself angrily as he chucked away the holobox in revulsion and threw his helm back at the disillusioned skies. 

You had to go to the stupid mission alone, you had to get captured, you had to be experimented on, you had to die! he roared in his helm as the stealth jet cried on further. In disgust, Nickle ripped off his mask and clutched it hard, shuttering his optics.

'I only wanted recharge that time and you just came to me... You just reminded me how hopeless I am...'

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