2001RID~Darkness and Chatter

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So, pretty much this is SOMEWHAT a fluff moment...

I just wanted to set out one of my fav shippings clear and ready.

Yep... Canon x OC... Need improvement on this

Dedicated to HuntressNuva because honestly ZipCharge would not have existed if it weren't for you... And definitely not this shipping


Movor and Transformers-Hasbro/Takara


She was an idiot.

If only she asked T-AI for a syringe of defrost none of the following would have happened. Currently, the femme was trapped in a dark, frozen cave in the middle of the Arctic with a colossus sized boulder nested on her stabilizing servos, crushing it in the process. Of course, with her com down, she knew that the Autobots would start to dig out the rubble.

If they noticed her absence.

The thought above repeated in her processor multiple times to the point that it was even scarier then the cave itself. Forgotten.

She was always told that she was shy and quiet, which would help her with scouting and stealth. But in reality, it also made her quiet and one with the wall. Then again that's what she thought, not what the others thought of her. 

Dark... Cold... Trapped...

Was that her her older brother felt? Was this how she was going to die?

No! A tiny voice exclaimed in her processor as her optics brightened at the instant.

Instinct overrode her systems as the femme sat up shaking, venting from the cold and fear that was creeping up her frame. She than proceeded to shove off the boulder, but with no avail as she collapsed back to the ground.

'Weak ZipCharge! Can't even move a boulder! Can't even evacuate normally when it was CLEAR that the cave in was happening. Idiot!' rang in her helm, scolding her of her foolishness. How much she despised it, that voice. How much she wished it never existed from that day.

But who cared? As in now, her systems slowly gave in to the bite, no one was there to help her out.

ZipCharge sighed in defeat as she laid back on the frozen wall, her optics dimmed down from it's usual brightness. Finally she can escape her regret and guilt.

As she dimmed away from existence, her audios picked up something. What was it?

Her optics onlined silently as ZipCharge looked from left to right weakly, trying to figure out the source. Seemed like talking... But who? And it was only one voice... Masculine.

Was that bot talking to himself?

That was the only reason the perked up her attention as she hauled herself up, her optics brightened in hope. If it were an Autobot, then that's great! If it were a Decepticon or Predacon... Then at least she can say she never killed herself.

ZipCharge tilted her helm, optics refocused to at least gather some light. Then she saw a silhouette of a bot just nearby.

The voice kept getting louder before the scout croaked out a hello.

It ceased to a stop.

"Hey! Is there anybot here?!" called out the voice, louder and clearer this time. The femme froze in recognition of it. Either that was Movor's, one of the Commandos, or it was an another bot. Likely it was the the former.

At once light blinded ZipCharge's vision as she shuttered her optics in instinct.

"An Autobot femme?! Just my sweetest time!" he exclaimed sarcastically before he noticed the boulder that pinned her down.

All the femme could do was just stare at him before she looked away. Suspicions confirmed, she's at the mercy of the Decepticon.

Movor stood there, thoughts racing in discovery. Obviously the femme was injured, which was a plus on his side. Another plus was that she seemed to be non-resisting.  If he could find a way out with the femme in tow, maybe Scourge would forgive him after his biggest mistake. He shuddered at the thought of when he returned to base at that time... 

Back to reality! Not to mention the fact that he was kinda sick of talking to himself the whole two hours, walking around with an injured arm and no one with him. He was used to talking with his partner Ro-Tor or at least with the other Commandos...

He looked at the boulder once again. Didn't seem much... Then again he never knew.

Should he help the femme? Would that count as treason? It's not like somebot was going to come in any sooner, and he got sick of wandering around. Some Energon was better then none, after all.

ZipCharge silently watched him fearfully, unsure of what would happen now. Was he going to shoot her, or was he going to help her, or leave her to rust? The following surprised her as the events unfolded.


I really wanna stop it here... Then begin a new part tomorrow Inshallah. Sooooooooooooo yeah... JUST WANTED TA GET THIS OUTTA MAH MIND!

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