RiD 2001: So Deep In Thought

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Main Character(s): Scourge

Genre: Family/Friendship/Thoughts

Rating: PG for Cybertronian Cussing

Universe: RiD 2001

Color Blind: 19NC_Medix

RowanBlade, SwiftBlast, and Shika: HuntressNuva

Scourge and Transformers: Hasbro/Takara Tomy


A grey monochromatic semi-truck trudged down the highway that ran in the middle of nowhere solemnly, as it dragged by an oil rig. From far one would have brushed it off as a normal oil rigger, but close up to the magenta-tinted windows revealed an empty seat... At the driver's seat.

But alas, in the lesser populated section of this land, the truck swerved off road into the endless rolls of sand and dust.

Once it reached a secluded, uninhabitable land of plateaus and cliffs, the truck slowed down to a halt. All the sudden it unhooked itself from its trailer and stood upright. Meanwhile, the front cab split up to form the shoulder pads, a helm rising up and soon the stabilizing servos formed.

The frame of the transformed former semi-truck now humanoid metal robot looked from left to right cautiously while he pulled a fuchsia-colored sword. He checked his scanning systems, in case any of his enemies or humans were around the area.

Or maybe he was just too anxious for some alone time as he reluctantly stashed away his sword back to his sub space. The mech looked over at once and walked over towards the edge of a cliff silently.

He stared at the horizon, recollecting his thoughts. Part of him was still wondering why he was HERE for a cool down when he should be slashing trees now.

Oh, but the other part knows that he wasn't angry. In fact, he was calm. Too calm for his liking. He hated that quiet, the serene atmosphere. He wanted to hear yells, battle cries, SOMETHING!

'How in pits can Mega-Octane deal with this?! How can ANYONE deal with it?!' he thought silently in annoyance. ''Cool down,' he said. PFFT! Like cooling down will solve everything!' his thoughts added on in his subconscious as he sat down quietly.

Scourge vented in and out deeply, and stared off at the sundown. His thoughts trailed off to Cybertron...

Come to think of it, it wasn't till now that he realized he actually wanted to know more about his past. Who was he? Was he strict, was he the same, what he looked like before everybot labeled him "Optimus's Dark Twin"?

Maybe instead of annoying his twin brother Rowan he should have asked him those questions.

How was their relationship back then? Tight, loose... Why were these damned questions popping up in mind?

He looked down at the abyss and stared aimlessly. Then it came to his sparkmate Swiftblast. 

Was his Autobot programming actually prevailing at that time? Why he helped her when he should have used her as bait?

More questions popped in at once, ones he never knew existed until now.

He thought it was removed... He checked it himself. He asked the Commandos the day they were revived if they felt any Autobot programming. Either they lied, or the answer was that they never felt it.

Then Scourge suddenly wondered who were they back then. They clearly had a connection already if they all combined into Ruination, with Mega-Octane as the main control center. 

If that was his real name. Now he started to wonder who was Mega-Octane, his trusted friend. Obviously they had some competition if the first thing he [Mega-Octane] yelled at him was why he [Scourge] was chosen as leader.

He grabbed his helm and shut his optics, venting in unneeded air. If there was anything he hated, it was thinking deeply into unneeded thoughts. He should concentrate over battle plans and Optimus's defeat, not some petty useless items of the past.

He re-onlined his optics and looked straight at the sundown. It was getting dark, and he promised Shika that he would teach her sword lessons. 

The mech stood up at once and stared at the horizon silently for moments. He had to admit, it was... Somewhat an interesting experience to just sit and "relax" as Mega-Octane worded it.

However, just as he started to turn around, out of no where he felt a body of mass slammed down on his back, shoving him off the cliff to the abyss at once...


THERE! Now Huntress you got no excuse to do the Commandos one XD

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