Afore RID2015~Bullets Stripped Away Sanity

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This is an AU, since Hasbro ever so kindly DID NOT tell us when the Alchemor was sent away, so I assume that it was after Cybertron was restored...

Oh, and do not be surprised if it makes no sense, for it is more of a collection of thoughts, I will explain later what's happening...


Warning: Depression, Sibling Death, Insanity, and Heavy Drinking

Rated: PG-13

Spike Spin, Ritual, Venture and other OCs- 19NC_Medix

Transformers- Hasbro


A metallic red and ivory mech was silently drinking high energon in one of the most known bars in Kaon. His optics were dimmed to the point that it was unclear if he was actually awake.

Maybe he wasn't.

The mech continued to drink away, his mind was blank from sadness. What was the use of one husk of metal around? All he could think of was death, and injustice.

Ah yes, injustice. He tried his best, and all drained away from him. His siblings, his job, everything. A useless husk. That he agreed with. A useless husk. A useless husk within injustice.

He drowned himself in his thoughts, wished that none came in. He wished that every single thought that entered was erased of existence. HE wanted to be erased from existence.

"Spike? Spike?" called out a voice. Who was this? Who called him by his name?

"Spike, ya nee' ta get the pit outta'ere 'fore ye gettin too much of this!" Voices... voice? Spike felt like he should have known the owner. But he didn't. He heard, but never understood it. The mech ignored the voice and continued gulping in the high Energon.

His drowsiness increased before he laid his chin on the cold counter as he vented silently. His magenta optics dimmed further before suddenly he was seized by the collar plate.

Surprisingly, he was not alarmed. Spike just stopped caring about anything. In fact, he wished death would stop by and pick up his spark to the Pits. But death itself seemed to want to torment him.

Or maybe it wanted to give him a chance of surviving once again? Spike never knew.

He never wanted to.


"C'mon son, wake up! Aye know yer in depression but this is ridiculous! Ye nee' ta stay strong!"

Now he remembered. Spike dimly onlined when he recognized Venture's voice. But who...

Oh yeah... Venture was his neighbor... His sire's best friend back when his sire was alive...

I don't want to wake up... I want to remain lifeless... Life is useless to me... And vice versa, he thought as he replied to the "encouragement."

As he shuttered his optics, suddenly Spike felt cold liquid splashed onto his face. Slowly he opened his optics and looked halfheartedly.

In front of him was a frowning Venture. What surprised him was that he recognized him even after all the high energon he had intake. Maybe he should've drank more

"Look, yer stayin' in mah house from now on till we getcha back ta normal. Aye promise ya sire ta watch over y'all 'fore. Aye fail first time, aye ain' failin' 'gain," deadpanned the older ebony and white  mech.

The younger mech replied silence. Nothing interested him anymore. Nightmares never ceased a pause, voices of death and screams echoed. Acid splashed around, his name echoed out of his siblings before they were thrown to the pits.

It was all his fault. It was his own hell to suffer in, one he never caused. THEY killed them. THEY convinced him that it was his fault.

And he believed them.

He trusted a friend, and ended in the rust of his loss. Now all three dead.


All four.

Including himself.

Four shards of glass, all shattered into dusts of crystals.


What was this that he held?

After being dragged to a shooting center nearby the old gladiator pits of former Kaon, the former scientist examined the thing with no interest.

It was a simple standard ion gun. One that Spike haven't seen in awhile ever since the war ended years. Why was he dragged here?

"Spike? Do you remember ever shooting a gun before?" asked a light indigo youngling. Indirectly he shook his helm silently. It has been a whole stellar year from their deaths, and all he could do was answer. On the bright side (as what Venture and Ritual, the light indigo youngling, claim) he stopped drinking. Not that he was happy about it. At least when one was drunk he fell into a world similar to insanity.

Was insanity a real place? He spoke with those who claimed to be insane, and it was clear that they were permanently damaged.

How do you reach insanity? 

Or, rephrased, how do you SNAP sanity?

Suddenly he looked at the gun, and quietly looked up at the target. Ritual told him that they were to shoot at the targets. He looked at the protection visor, and disregarded it. Then, his optics glazed back over at the targets. Shakily, he held up the gun, digit on the trigger and the other servo supported his servo.

He agreed, only because that was something he never did before. Even at the war, he entered as a Decepticon war scientist.

Never have he held a gun.

There it went.

With no realization.

Trigger pulled, and the glass shattered.

Something snapped in him.

The loud shot, the bullet flicked off the protective metal.

He was taken back by the force as his servo stopped shaking. Soon he shot an another bullet. Same sound, same cackle.

For the first time, he grinned. But not a grin that of happiness. He grinned uncontrollably. Suddenly Spike returned to the moments before he left for that wretched place.

He heard what Residue told him.

It repeated.

"Spiky you're not doing anything bad!"

Nothing bad... Nothing evil...

He should prove to the world who he was.

And bullets continued to slash away his sanity one by one

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