Post-Predacons Rising~She Changed For The...

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Ice Arena and Zaram- 19NC_Medix

SwiftClaw- HuntressNuva

Transformers- Hasbro/Takara

This is 100% AU from the sequel, RiD 2015, and you will understand why in this one shot


Maybe she should've left her memory alone. Maybe she shouldn't have considered even going to the Autobot's base back then.

Maybe she shouldn't have even introduced herself, or agreed to any of it.

She knew this was going to happen. It was that, or betrayal.

Then again, she should be thankful, for he died instead of betraying her. 

Or any of them.

On the surface of the now restored Cybertron, a femme quietly looked up at the statue of a stoic mech. The neon glowed a soft glare up at the statue, as the navy armored femme stared.

She knew it was not her fault, or any of them. It could be the reason why she passed over it faster then what was expected.

'I could've done something though...' she thought bitterly, guilt crawled over her armor. 'I should have spent more time, instead of shoving them off...'

The femme sighed before she looked away from the statues, growling to herself as she situated her rifle to the other side. True, the war was over for what, three years, four? It was hard to keep count when you spent most of your time sulking in guilt.

But that never changed the fact that her rifle remained with her. Or that she just left a bouquet of silver-colored flowers at the base of the statue. True, his death was from years away, but it changed her.

'Probably for the worse,' she thought as she looked away from the statue sadly.

She shot insults, held up a sneer, she wasn't going to lie, his death did change her.

The femme sighed as she turned heel, and walked. Away from Optimus Prime's statue of honor, away from her recent memories.

It never changed the fact that she was trained as a soldier, her footing was a 'One two, one two, one two three four.' It rhymed as the femme started to hum a song. An Earth one. She was glad that there was no "squirrels" on Cybertron, or she would've made sure of it's extinction before she considered an Energon refuel.

As she walked the illuminated sidewalks of the newly built Iacon, she stopped. A cry. A sound. 

'Ridiculous... No way there are sparklings in the streets, especially since Iacon is STILL being built,' she thought incredulously as she sped on her rhythm.

Just as she reached a dark ally, the same cry rang. Her audios quickly adjusted to it.

It was a sparkling's cry.

So she wasn't imagining things, as she perked up towards the sound. Quietly yet swiftly she headed over to the ally, and found nothing.

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