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I set up the alarm of 4 am and woke up at 5. I was feeling cold because winter has started. I want to sleep more but I promise myself that I'll study from today and I'll going to follow a strict routine and I find a partial success today.  At least I get up early and did yoga and while doing Suryanamsakar I sprained my ankle so as a result I am just lying on my bed reading and doing nothing.

My mom called me yesterday asking about what I am doing and then suddenly she said,  "Do you have to tell me something?" Trust me at this moment I realized how many sins I have committed. My heart was like, "What you have done now?"
But nothing happened she just asked casually.

I was feeling bad that my story is not getting any view, It was her first do have 34 views but this one still has zero views, but I had decided to stay positive, you can do this Ravi,  you're the best(only a little much obsessed with yourself).

Can I share something? Of course, I'll share even if you say no. I am feeling happy nowadays because finally I'm doing something which I enjoy and it is so satisfying. It does hurt to see zero views but it is just a matter of some days or maybe some months. You are going to rock it girl.

So let me go back to morning again, my ankle is swollen and it hurt,  so I'll not do Surya namaskar tomorrow. I even have my afternoon nap today so I sleep for almost nine hours, I generally sleep for seven hours (stop this nonsense Ravi no one is interested in how many hours do you sleep? As of now, no one is interested in your writing, but it will be fun when you get some followers and they will read your stupid talk. I am dying to talk with at least any single person, wait Ravi wait, patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet).

I would love to ask you how was your day?  If you read it then tell me already. I'll see you in the next chapter and till then bye-bye, stay happy and love yourself a lot.

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