Saved by chance

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Has this ever happened with you that you are gossiping about someone and that person or his/her family member appears out of nowhere?

A long time back PR sister and her future brother-in-law were on a school reunion (they are dating since school time and decided to get married in 2022) and were talking about random stuff. Suddenly, they start talking about badass students of the school.

He suddenly started talking about a girl," I had never seen a girl like her in my 27 years of life. She has slept with almost every guy in my village, not only this she use to bully students in school. She always pretended that I am Miss World, I am the most beautiful girl in this world but she look like a sheep. What was her name Sa? S...... Sa....... I forget her name, he looked at PR's sister with the hope that maybe she tell the name.

She goes near his ear and told him, "the girl who is sitting in blue dress is her sister."
He choked on his words.

After a few seconds, he said, "I forget her name I will tell you when I recall."

When they come back home, they told this story to us and we laughed like manic.

Luckily nothing like this happened to me.

Have you ever encountered such a situation if yes then how did you deal with it?

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