Optimistic Ravi

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Hello Ji

I am happy today, I wake up with a very nice dream.

I love my dreams, they give me lots of ideas, and most importantly I feel very happy after a dream. If it is horrible then I thank God that it was just a dream and if it is good, it makes me happy.

I am an optimistic person (most of the time). I used to be very negative when I was young. I remember, I always blame God why this happen to me, why me?
But now when I look back, I laugh at myself. Everything in this world is happen for a reason, it is a process of making you strong for your future, so never give up and trust yourself. After a few years, you will notice the difference and the result will be for better.
To be the best of yourself you have to see the worst of time. You will lose people, but don't worry they will be the fake ones.
You will meet the best people in your most difficult time, at least this is the case with me. But always respect and help those people who helped you when you needed them most. I know it sounds easy but it is not, getting a person in your life is easy than maintaining them.

Okay okay, I get it, I had bored you enough. 😊😜
Thank you for tolerating me. I'll see you tomorrow. ❤️

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