day 17: making gingerbread houses

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day seventeen rock and roll!!!

the twins are two here!

please enjoy :D


"What's dat?" Leo asks, toddling up to the kitchen table and standing on her tippy toes to peek.

"These are gingerbread house kits! Mommy and I are gonna make them with you and Lala," Cady explains.

"A house?" Leo asks curiously, tilting her head. It doesn't look like a house. It's just a bunch of cookies.

"Mmhmm. We get to put the house together and then decorate it," Cady says as she puts all the candy decorations in little bowls.

"Smell good."

"It does smell good, it smells like yummy gingerbread," Cady says. "These aren't to eat, though, they won't be very yummy." Leo pouts. Cady ruffles her hair and picks her up. "Come here, you can have one of the gingerbread people we made yesterday instead."

That gets a little smile, and Leo eagerly takes the offered cookie Cady gives her. "I bit him head."

"You bit his head? You better hurry and bite the rest of him, then, he needs to be with his head," Cady chuckles. "Here, go give this one to Lala and tell her and Mommy to come to the kitchen."


Cady chuckles lovingly as her baby toddles off full speed to find her family, armed with two cookies and calling their names as she goes.


"Hi, Bee!" Janis laughs as Leo crashes into her legs. "Whatcha got there?"

"Cookie!" Leo says happily. "For Lala."

"Lala's over there," Janis says, pointing to her sister playing with some stuffed dinosaurs. Leo heads over and proffers her extra cookie.

"Hewe, Lala!"

Layla looks up at her and takes the gingerbread man. "T'ank you."

"You welcome!"

"Good manners, girls," Janis praises. Leo comes back and continues munching on her own cookie before she remembers what she was supposed to do.

"Oh! Mommy," she says. "Mama say... um... go kitchen."

"Okay. With Lala?"


"Okay, let's go," Janis hums, picking Leo up and going to grab Layla too. Layla cries out in surprise as she's suddenly snatched, but giggles as she's lifted up to her mommy's level. "Sorry Bug. Didn't mean to scare you."

"Is okay," Layla says, taking another bite of her cookie. Janis carries them both to the kitchen and to Cady. "Hi Mama!"

"Hi, loves!" Cady grins when she sees them all come back. "Come here."

"Oh boy," Janis sighs when she sees everything set up on the kitchen table. "Do you really think they're big enough for gingerbread houses already?"

"I think if we help them, yeah," Cady shrugs. "It'll be cute, come on."

"Whatever you say, babes," Janis chuckles. Cady takes Layla from her and kisses her cheek.

"Who do you want to work with, girls?"

"Mama!" they both say at the same time. Janis pouts.

"Nobody wants to work with me?"

Leo looks up at her. "I wif Mommy!"

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