My new celebrity crush.

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Gwen Lin's diary entry 1.

Dear diary guen Lin.. signing in ..its June 27th you know what that is out and it's the start of summer and there's so many things that I would like to do this summer.

This summer is special to me because finally I'll get to meet TC. He's the new up and coming singer in China Town in New York..he's very lucky to ever be this famous so quickly  everybody was already so in love with him.

I mean who wouldn't be he's TC! his voice is amazing, his looks are amazing, even the way he dances is amazing he is a man of many talents.

Ever since I started listening to his music I became so happy,  it was like my mood changed from bored all day to this exciting person who all of a sudden cared about life again.

Which  is why I listened to each and every one of his songs, Of course  since I loved him so much I did my research about him but it just wasn't enough I needed to know more.

I figured when I finally got to go to his meet and greet I would ask him many questions I didn't know about him yet.

I wanted to know on a personal
Level you could say I maybe had a little crush on a celebrity crush.

He wasn't very very famous, but in New York his fame was slowly spreading and there was a few people who knew about him including me.

It was mostly girls you know the drift. I mean there was some guys who listened to his music but there's so many girls that are crazy for him even though he hasn't been out for very long.

I thought about it, once I got to know him
I'd ask him to follow me on one of my social medias and i'd probably tell him to text me too if ever  he was free, though I wasn't expecting anything since he's a really busy person you know being a brand new singer and all.

It would be nice though , I kept dreaming and fantasizing about what it would actually be like to meet him.

When I went to sleep last night I had a dream that I was kissing him and it was perfect and of course I thought to myself if only something like that would happen in real life.

Soemthing in my mind kept whispering  to me like on my left shoulder was the demon and on the right was the angel.

The demon was saying to me if you ever meet him in real life you have the chance to kiss him just do this because it's one in a million of an opportunity.

But then the angel side is saying that
It would be wrong I'd be overstepping my boundaries since after all I was only just a fan It would make me a weird person.

But honestly sometimes thinking about it like that does get me riled up and sometimes I just do some unexplainable things...

Well that's it for now..I'll write again soon.

- Guen lin

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