Who is she?

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When Guen got home she was so upset she couldn't help but cry and look at her pictures of Him.

She then decided to track where he was since she was so upset she would meet up with him and try and talk to him.

The night of the concert she had put a tracking device on him it was hooked up to her phone so she'd know where he was at all times.

Guen did this so she would have no problem meeting up with him whenever she wanted but of course she would have to act like it was a coincidence otherwise he'd probably think Guen is some kind of stalker.

She found out he was at a nearby cafe. this made her feel so lucky it almost felt like fate was bringing them together.

She saw messages between his friend and him so she knew he would be there so she got there a few minutes before him so it would really seem as if they were just there at the same time coincidentally.

Guen grabbed her book and walked into him making it seem like she bumped into him by accident. "Oh I'm so sorry.." she says looking up acting surprised. "Oh my god..TC..it's really you..do you remember me from the concert?"

"Wow..it's such a small world! Yes I remember you from the fan sign and concert listen what you did back there it meant a lot to me..I never really got to thank you properly." He told her.

"Thank me for what?" She asked blushing a bit. "Well you know you're present it means a lot for me because there's so much of a deeper meaning to you're present than you'd think.."

She looks at him acting confused but deep down Guen already knew what he meant, of course she did deep research on him before going to his concert since she wanted to be prepared to impress him.

"Well I'm really glad you liked the present I just didn't really know what to get but chocolate on strawberries are my favorite so I just thought..since I couldn't decide I'd get you chocolate on strawberries as a present..did you enjoy them?"

"Of course they were really delicious thank you..I kept the box..as a reminder..I still don't know how to thank you enough."

"Well we're both at a cafe right now you can treat me to coffee." Guen said smiling brightly.

"You're right..ah what kind of coffee would you like?" He said sitting down across from her at the table.

"Mocha with whip cream." Guen told him.

"I'll get the same thing wait here I'll go order our coffees." He told her getting up and going to the counter to order.

She looked at him every move he made.

And then she saw this girl next to him making conversation with him.

It really fueled her up Guen began to get really jealous she curled her fists up in a ball annoyed. "Who does she think she is?" Guen whispered to herself.

"I really can't believe it's you.." the girl said to TC.

"Yeah it's been awhile..I really missed you I never thought I'd see you again.." he told her.

She pulled him into a hug. "I really missed you too..I thought about what you said to me the last time it's why I came back..to answer you're question yes."

"Really?" He looked at her surprised.

"Yes..are you here with someone?"

"Oh yeah just a fan..I'm buying her coffee..she's a really nice person."

"Oh right I forgot you're now a top star."

"Haha not so big yet but I hope to be Im just repaying a favor.."

"How righteous of you." She told him.

"Well I mean you would know all about that."

A tear rolled down guen's eye."Who the hell is she?" Guen asked looking over at the two smiling and chatting.

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