The start of summer 2022.

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Guen Lin's diary entry 2.

It was finally the summer the time which I would spend with TC. Before that I spent all my time preparing for when I would meet him.

I continued to listen to more of his
Songs and I even printed pictures of him from his social media and made my own posters.

I made plenty of signs for his upcoming concert I saved up so much money to meet him at the fan sign and then also his concert too.

Of course it wasn't easy I got two part time jobs as a side hustle after school just to pay for both the fan sign and concert.

I worked hard day and night for the money I saved to pay for those two things because it was so important and special to me and I hope he would notice how much I love him.

I know it's so soon was going to be a special day for both me and him and I hope that I would mean something to him too just like the way he means something
To me.

I know I'm not that special because I'm not the only fan who's done so much just to be there at his fan sign and concert and that there's probably tons of other girls who did more..but I still had to try I'd do anything to have him think of me
And keep me in his sights I hope he could love me back too.

I spent time picking out my outfit for tomorrow I had to look perfect for him. Tomorrow would be the day of this summer that I would finally meet him.

It was a two hour drive in Manhattan because it was quite  far.
that didn't matter to me though because I'd do anything for him and I'd even travel hours just to see him as if he was my first real boyfriend that I'd be meeting for the first time.

I am now going to take a bath and sleep very early because I can't wait for tomorrow to come and sleeping sooner I just know the day would come more faster.

-Guen Lin.

Crazy obsession.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora