That Special day here it comes.

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Everyone lined up to buy tickets for the fan meet and concert, some people had been waiting there way earlier than others and some had arrived late because of how far they have come just to see TC.

He had quite the amount of people for his first fan sign and there would probably be more people later on for the concert.

While everyone was lining up buying tickets for the fan sign and concert, TC was nervous but continued to practice his song and even how he would talk to his fans for the first time.

His manager laughed at him, "are you that nervous? Look you don't need to keep practicing what you will say, you won't screw up that bad you just have to be chill about it everything will flow naturally just gotta be yourself they already love you and you're music."


"I think they will be super focused on you're looks more than what you have to say they will probably also be focused more on the fact that they are literally meeting their favorite person in the whole wide world their celebrity crush."

"You seriously think so?" He asked.

"Literally get out of you're head you'll be fine."

Meanwhile guen finished getting dressed in her laced black belly top which showed her belly piercing and her curvy stomach and her black shorts.

She had a bunch of necklaces around her neck and bracelets.

She wore darkish makeup and let her hair down, usually it was up in a ponytail unless it was a special occasion.

She even painted her nails.

She made sure to research the kind of girls he liked too and this seemed to be his type so she even tried this hard for him hoping he would take a liking to her more than those other girls.

When she was finally finished getting ready she pulled on her black boots and got her phone and bag leaving the house.

She decided to get a lyft from her bff Jenna. "Thanks so much for doing this you dont know how much this means to me."

Guen said getting in the car closing the door. "Gosh you're so obsessed do you love him that much you literally are dressed like a whole different person."

"I gotta impress him seriously! This has to work."

"And what if it doesn't."

"It has to!" She yelled.

"Okay okay jeez I get it..I'm rooting for you but you gotta know if it doesn't work out just know there are real normal guys out there in the world single and ready to shouldn't get you're hopes up he's literally on a different level than you."

"What's that suppose to mean? It sounds like you're not rooting for me at all."

"It just seems a bit unrealistic is all..hqve you ever seen a singer date their fan? It's so rare out there like yeah it happens once and awhile but only if the singer and fan as a real connection I'm saying this as your bff..please be realistic here and don't get you're heart broken over some celeb."

"He isn't just some celeb and soon he'll be mine just you watch and see." Guen told Jenna.

"Okay girl you do you."

After two hours Jenna dropped her off around the area. "You already got the tickets right?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah thanks for the ride." Guen says getting out of the car.

"You're welcome have fun!" Jenna says waving.

Guen waved and walked to the location which was way up the street.

She'd give her tickets to the lady who would give her a wristband and she'd be lining up where many other girls were.

Waiting in line or either sitting down waiting for their turn with TC.

That's when she saw him. "It's you." She said out loud staring at him, she had so many things she already wanted to say to him she was so impatient standing there she needed to see him and meet him right away.

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