Anxiousness / stage fright.

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TC'S diary entry 2.

Hey there, never thought I'd be writing in you again does this make me seem like a loser? Or a weirdo? Because usually woman write in diaries..I've never really seen any men own a diary. friend did tell me to think of this as a journal instead of a diary where I can write my thoughts as if I was talking to a therapist or something.

Anyway I'm freaking out now because
Tomorrow is going to come and it's going to be the day where I meet my fans for the first time and preform for the very first time my very first concert.

I even looked up celebs talking about their very first fan sign and concert and you know obviously it was nerve wracking for them as well but they also mentioned it being exciting.

Of course I am also excited to preform for the first time live and even meet my fans for the first time I mean it's my dream come true and it's finally happening but I think my nervousness really outweighs this excitement and I feel really bad about that.

I don't know why All of a sudden I am having this stage fright. This fear, that maybe I will mess up going on that stage for the first time or say something dumb or stupid when I meet my fans for the first time and I wanna leave a good first impression for them.

But what even is the perfect definition of a first good impression to you're fans? I mean I have no idea and I only have 24 hours to practice my song I will be singing at the concert.

This may seem dumb or weird and something I couldn't possibly tell to anyone either ever that's why I'm writing it in here but I'm gonna try and practice the way I would talk to my fans as well because I really do want to seem cool in front of them.

Yeah that sounds really like weird I'm glad I'm just writing it here and that I never have to say this out loud.

I wonder what my fans even think?
I mean how much do they like me? And my music ? And do they really like my music or is just the way I look? I mean what goes on in their makes me curious.

How do they feel meeting me for the first time? Is it the same as how I feel? Because I'd feel a little less nervous or anxious if I just knew.

I don't know what else to say I might as well go practice now.


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