no more seol.

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guen was busy dismembering seol's body in her basement with tons of blood on her face and lips. "god this is so much work if only you hadn't gotten in the way of me and TC you wouldn't have died like this and i wouldn't have to be cleaning up your bloody mess." she said to the corpse. 

when she was done she made sure to burn the parts and turned it to ashes so any trace of evidence would be gone she then wiped the knife clean and hid it in her drawer in the basement and went to take a nice warm shower. 

after guen finished showering and getting dressed she sat on her bed and put on the tv to see a picture of seol lee and a missing report on the news. "would you look at that you weren't even missing for that long but you're already on the news what a lucky bitch well it's too bad you will remain missing and even be pronounced dead once they give up on finding you." 

she then decided to check to see if TC unblocked her and to her surprise he did and he sent multiple messages saying he needed her and that he was going through a rough time, he told her he had nobody to turn to and that she was the only one he could come to in his time of need.

this of course made her feel special, "finally you come to your senses i am the only one you should ever need this is what i am talking about, wow the heavens are really on my side" she said to herself.

she then dialed his number and waited for him to pick up on the other line and then he finally did. "hey i am sorry for everything i said last time your my friend and i shouldn't have treated you like that and i know it looks bad since i am the one who blocked you and now i am here running back all of a sudden since something terrible might have happened.." 

"okay okay slow down i don't blame you i may have overstepped my boundaries and i am sorry for being a little crazy but i need you as much as you need me and just know i care about you a lot and i am here for tell me what happened." 

"you remember seol from the cafe last time?"

"yeah what about her?"

"i think something bad might have happened to her she has been missing for a week now and i feel really sad and terrible..i miss her..and i wish i could take back our fight because what if i never see her again i mean what if she is dead..there was a missing report on the news about her did you see?"

"okay calm down everything will be okay you need to be honest i didn't get a chance to see i have been so busy with school and everything has been so crazy lately..but i want you to know that nothing is your should know that already."

"i just feels like i am the reason she ran away and because she ran away now she is in danger or worse she probably already died..and i can't help but think that if she really did die it is all my fault and i just know her mother will blame me and i won't be able to live with this guilt."

"please don't say that you are not the reason she left you don't even know the reason don't just jump to conclusions you shouldn't feel guilty because deep down in my heart i know it is not your fault you loved her and cared about her deeply and you would never harm her."

"well i suppose your right..thanks that really helps..a lot..i am so glad your here with me i don't know who to go to and it's not like i have anyone else and i can't tell my fans this because its private and all.."

"no worries my love like i said i am here for you always you can count on me i will always stay by your side no matter what and hey even if there is no more seol you still have me" she said smirking over the phone. 

"what was that?" he asked. 

"i meant to say you will always have me."

Crazy obsession.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz