Then I saw him.

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Guen Lin's diary entry 3.

I got into that car with my bff I am glad she decided to give me that ride because otherwise don't know what I'd do without her but she was definitely being pissy towards what does she know.

She was not rooting for me she seemed jealous and she didn't think I would be able to get with TC.

But I know for sure I looked like his type and I was surely catch his attention, he would definitely notice me and I feel like we definitely would have a connection when we talked.

That car ride was so annoying because the whole time she was doubting me. I mean does my bff even really know me? If she was really my bff she would believe in me and root for me and TC.

Instead she called me unrealistic and said I needed to be realistic that me and him could never date just because I'm his fan she told me it was rare and that it barely happened where fans dated their celebrity crush.

But it definitely happened didn't it? Yes it's rare  but it still happened which means I have a chance even though she tried to make it seem like she was rooting for me I know she wasn't at all.

But it's whatever because I forgot all about it once I arrived because that's when I saw him.

There was just so much things I needed to say to him the excitement , nervousness, and anxiousness it all built up. There was my heart  rushing for him.

I needed to be close to him I needed him I never knew I would feel this strongly after being much more closer to him it was real now.

Before it was just seeing his pictures online and having his posters in my room but now we were just small distance away from each other but right in the same room.

Everything would soon be perfect the way it should be I waited there impatienly for him until it was my turn.

Trust me I waited long I almost left the room and lost hope but I couldn't give up because I already paid for these tickets and it was worth waiting for.

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