Chapter 17° - Study Buddies

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As soon as I get in my house I close the door behind me. I'm getting more impatient each day, hoping Leo would finally admit everything.

I needed to think of a plan to get him to speak up. The only thing that would work would be to tease him or get him angry to the point he tells me everything.

A knock suddenly emerged from the door. I was about to walk to the kitchen but I turned back around and walked to the door.

Mellissa is home pretty soon which is weird.

The door is unlocked, I don't know why she's knocking.

I put my hand on the handle and slid the door open only to reveal Leo standing there.

I could feel my blood boiling and my heartbeat throughout my whole body. Butterflies creaked to my stomach getting flashbacks from yesterday. What is he doing here...

I look up at him, excitement yet curiousness rushed over me as we now looked in each other's eyes.

A light smirk appeared on his face.

It's the first time we're seeing each other after what happened yesterday. Just seeing him stand there has a huge affect on me.

I cock an eyebrow at him. "Do you need anything?"

Million feelings, zero words.


He walks towards me, looking me in the eyes but then walks past me, welcoming himself in my house without my consent.

"I came to talk to you." He looks around.

Is this it? Is he finally going to reveal the truth about him being the masked guy... I couldn't help but feel excited.

I then close the door, turning back to him.

I stand there, in front of the guy that devoured my pussy yesterday, trying to seem like nothing happened. I eye him up and down noticing he was wearing ripped jeans with a belt around it, and a black polo shirt while I was in my school uniform, since I just got home.

His Calvin Klein boxers peaked through the top of his jeans making me bite my lip.

His head turns to the side, while I look at his crown tattoo under his ear.

He turns to me, eyes darkening.

"We just gonna stand in the hallway or what?" He speaks with an arrogant tone as we look in each other's eyes. I smirk.

"No, of course not, follow me." I say slowly, a small smirk tugging at my lips. I bring him to the kitchen and soon we enter it, I grab an apple from the fruit bowl, and then purposely dropped it.


I walk right in front of him, then slowly bend down, grabbing the apple from the floor then slowly standing back up.

I turn to face Leo to see him flushed, eyes dark, as if he'd have a lot on his mind.

I'm going to tease the fuck out of him.

"Two second rule." I shrug, taking a bite into the green apple. He watches me, clenching his jaw.

I hop on the kitchen table, sitting on it. "So why are you here again?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

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