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I shouldn't be here.

I shouldn't be sitting in this book cafe where she spent all her days even when she wasn't working. But I felt empty and the emptiness was eating me alive in my room. "Would you like anything?" The voice that constantly echoed in my head forcingly spoke.

"Coffee" I whispered and made my frame small. The last thing I wanted was to intimidate her.
She set my coffee down and the ring on her finger made my colors fade. I swallowed the lump in my throat and cleared my throat making the noise echo in the cafe where just her and I sat in.

"You're getting married?" I whispered and the writing on the paper only got louder. I looked up at her and she looked full of color and brightness. "Before I move to New York." She whispered and I knew that that was soon because her birthday was approaching and she always wanted to publish her first book before she turned 20.
"What are you doing here Aziz?" She asked and I looked at her again. "Drinking coffee" I answered back. "No I mean what are you doing home?" She said finally putting down her notebook.

"What are you doing getting married to the guy that looks like he's an asshole" I asked mentioning the picture that sat on her desk. "You don't get to do that; you don't get to ask me about Josh and you don't get to look at me like I'm a whore" she said and I ran my hand through my hair. "Zenaida who said I'm looking at you like you're a whore? You have every right to move on and I'm not here to ruin your wedding. Im just here to drink coffee" I said standing up and putting some money on the table before walking out the door. The cold air hit my face and it made my body feel numb with emotions. I was selfish for not wanting her to get married but what about me? I'm right where she left me.

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