Chapter 5

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AN: after staring at this gif for wayyyy to long that I noticed Daniel  maintains eye contact with David throughout the whole gif.... I thought that was pretty cool.

Anyway please enjoy the story

I quickly slipped out of Daniel's grip, which loosen by suprise when the campers voice rang out. "Language!" I said to the familiar camper known as Max. He just rolled his eyes scoffing at me, "Whatever, anyway who the fuck is that and why the hell were you two so... intamant... with each other."

I felt my face heat up and the voices yell that I would never have him, he will break your heart. My breath got caught in my throat as tear threatened to spill. I blinked away the tears as daniel quickly piped up, "I am  the new councilor and you are?" Max said, "no one you need to know... bitch. David why the hell were you two all cuddly and shit" max says taking a puppy talking voice when he said cuddly.

"David almost burnt himself with hot oil I just wanted to make sure he was ok..." Daniel said trying to correct the story. I smiled weakly nodding as he explained what just happened to Max.

I felt the voices grow louder and louder, your not worthy enough and will never be. Your just a burden all you do is cause trouble. No one actually cares for you. What are you, a  selfish animal, dreaming that you would have him fall for you? You are way to ugly for him. Your too ugly period. Your so dumb too, to think you could possible date him. He is to perfect, your just a mistake. Once a mistake always a mistake. (AN: ok ok this ended up turning into a vent sorry)

"David? David! DAVID!!" Max shouted I flinched at the loud sound quickly snapping our of the trance I was in when the voices started to yell. They still yelled at me at how worthless I was but now I realized that I was on the floor instead of standing like I was before. I felt tears flood to my eyes (ngl I about said see holes instead of eyes I'm also very talkative today I'm sorry-) I bit my tongue trying to push the tears back in. I tasted the metallic taste of blood flood my mouth. I immediately without thinking stuck my tongue out to try and get the taste out.

I almost spat it out but  I didn't want to get yelled at or thrown across the room, 'YOU DARE ATTEMPT TO SPIT ON ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!' I flashed back to the last time I tried to spit out blood, wincing at how loud my mind played it for me.

Blood dripped down onto the floor, I was secretly relieved that both daniel and max was turned around talking to each other. 'They wont see the blood' I thought gently. I began to tenderly wipe the blood off of my chin.

I'm not talking for long but tada done, I had a day of just writing lol finished and started this just today trying to get this story moving. Anyway have a good time doing whatever it is you do

Word count 550 words.

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