chapter 22

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This is our kitten, he is a nightmare when he is energetic. Hard to believe that, that kitten is the same one who slept beside me last night and shared a pillow with me. Anyway onto.. the last chapter dun dun dun....

Daniel's POV:

The second nurse, Coraline, brought our food over. While handing us our food I noticed her gaze linger on David. Something stirred in my stomach, I wanted nothing more than to cuddle into David to show Coraline that he was mine yet I restrained myself. I started to eat after she left, taking a mental note to make sure David eats because I saw his face, I know the voices, or maybe I should call then bitches, were trying to make David feel bad. His nose scrunched up, which I found absolutely adorable, and then he rested his head against my shoulder, I tried hard not to die from the blood that rushed to me face. "What's wrong? " I asked trying to be as gentle as possible so as not to trigger any of his 'bitches' to speak. "I'm just not hungry." He replied. I offered him a bite of my food, remembering that he likes to share food with me and won't eat unless I was sharing it with him. He took the bite, happiness shone in his beautiful eyes, before they turned into discomfort and sickness. "You ok?" I asked, pulling him closer, concerned for him. I asked if he wanted to have me get the nurse for him. He shook his head no before suddenly passing out. I panicked, quickly calling for a nurse. One of them came in before exiting then entering again with another nurse. Some more nurses and doctors rushed in and out of the room in a blur. It was so loud yet I couldn't hear a thing. All I saw was the person I loved, in a hospital bed, seemingly dying. It was just me and him, time seemed to stop. My brain reaccounted all of the adventures we went through together. From making breakfast to singing around a fire, telling stories, confessing our love to one another, doing plays together. I felt tears weld in my eyes. He can't be gone. Some nursed tried to push me out of the room yet I fought back, camp still needs him, Max still needs him, I still need him, he can't go. "NO!!" I screamed reaching out towards him, his body being covered up by a white sheet. "NO DAVID! PLEASE I STILL NEED YOU!!" I screamed desperately yet there was nothing I could do. They say the doctor didn't take into account how malnutrious he was and there wasn't enough blood to save him if he ate. (I don't know if that is an actual way you can die- im just gonna say it is in here) So now here I am standing in the roof, I am finally going to join him. Taking a step off the edge, I smiled, tears falling from my eyes as I happily welcomed the incoming ground. I will join you, my love, I thought, before everything went black, pain seeping through my body before peace spread through it as I faded away.

Soooo that was the last chapter. I'm sorry it was so sad! I just kinda wanted to get it over with because I felt like I was taking too long and the next thing I knew it was a sad ending.
I hope you enjoyed it!!

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