chapter 12

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!
I'll try and update more

Those words rang in my ears. The voices went silent in suprise, Daniel and Max were cuddled up to me. I gently wiped away the tears which stained my cheeks and flooded my eyes. "Max... if.. if your parents dont come for you... well... would.. would you be ok with me becoming your father?" I asked timidly. Max looked happily up to me. "Of course of course of course of course of course!!!" He exclaimed, looking happier than a child at Christmas. Daniel awed at the sight and cuddled me harder. "Seriously, are you two dating or something?" Max asked, my heart ached again as I remembered what Daniel said. "No, we are not. Yet between us three... I think I might love him..." Daniel admitted. Hope shot through my chest as I thought I had a chance with him. Max let out a gasp, " you two should totally date each other!! Oh!! Kiss kiss!!" (I'm tired ok? Let me have this romantic moment before I ruin it later with more angst)

I turned to Daniel, both of our faces red. "I-it's just a small kiss... and it is for Max" I whispered to him. He slowly nodded before we both gazed at each other. Our lips connected, my eyes fluttered closed as i gently kissed back. Max squealed and gagged at the same time. It was a sweet small kiss, that didn't push any super romantic boundaries. His lips were soft and I could slightly taste passion fruit on his lips. We pulled away after about 3 seconds, I let out a small whine thinking that it ended too early. We looked into each others eyes, I can tell you readers exactly what his eyes looked like because of how long we stared at each other. Then the lunch bell rang.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter... I needed this chapter tbh because I am exhausted and stress... (therapy and the boys at my school does not help... like attention to the boys at my school... I'm dating someone already so stop staring at me or trying to flirt with me... it is gross)
Anyway I think I am going to head to bed about now it is almost 11 pm and i have to go to an archery gathering tomorrow.
Bye bye!!

400 words

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