chapter 20

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*David's POV*

"Thank you all for visiting me!" I waved, smiling gently. "Make sure that you all eat and Gwen?" I called towards her, "yes David?" She asked. "Remember, it is Preston's turn and help him with the play he is planning." "Yes sir!" She said gently smiling. "Well we have to go so everyone say your last goodbyes." "BYEEE!!!!!!" The kids said in sync loudly. They all walked out the door, being ushered out by the nurse. I let out a hard sigh feeling drained with the socializing between all of the kids. I began to zone out, Daniel was asleep with my hand in his. My brain thought to when I first began camp Campbell as a counselor how max was the first kid I took care of, I know he likes me being there even if he didn't want to admit it. I just hope that I can take all of the pain away from him, and I will! I am determined to help him so that he has a positive life. Are you sure about that? A familiar voice asked.

Hey I'm sorry I have been gone for a while! I have been having a really bad writers block and I hope that this really short chapter will help me get out of it. I'm sorry that it is short I could not think of anything else.

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