Chapter 17

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Hope you enjoy... there is a time skip a few weeks since last chapter.

It has been a few weeks since that night with the bonfire. I decided to stop taking my pills because the static and voices have suddenly disappeared since Daniel has come around. I would snuggle up with the warmth that Daniel has and drift to sleep.

I opened my eyes feeling something warm and sticky coat my skin. I looked down, my eyes caught glances of the piles and piles of bodies... Max's body was at my feet. My hands were coated in his blood as deep voices hissed, "your fault your fault your fault just die after all you killed all of those who could have possibly loved you and turned away from the rest" "Stop it shut up shut up shut up!" I shouted, "What about Daniel? What about my love?" I asked, suddenly, like a memory it played before my eyes.

"David... I'm sorry to tell you this but we can't be together anymore you are just to clingy. Sorry I hope you will understand." Daniel said before walking away with Gwen attached to his hip. She turned back and looked at me before mouthing, "who could ever love such a hideous monster like you mistake?" Daniel giggled wrapping his hand around Gwen's waist pulling her closer.

My heart broke and I slumped down.... what the fuck just happened? I thought while tears endlessly ran down my face. "Daniel... Daniel" I called out over and over again hoping he would change his mind and come back. "Face it worthless bitch, no one will ever care for you, just when you start to feel loved I will be here to remind you that they are only here because they have to be."

My head gently hit the grass below me as I cried out for Daniel desperate for him to come back. When he didn't I started to think, 'maybe they are right... maybe everyone finally got sick of me and left. No one likes me.... why why why why.' I looked up hearing metal clang gently infront of me. I gazed up to be met with a knife on the ground and a familiar outfit. "Just... kill yourself" Daniel's voice rang out anger and hatred laced through every word.

I gripped the knife again... placing it on my wrist to see how sharp it is. I drew back, blood spilling from my arm quickly. It felt strange that there was no pain, yet I had no time to think about it because a black foggy figure started slowly walking towards me. It stopped infront of me... voices hissing from all around it, I noticed that the figure looked way to similar to me. Shivering I tried to back away from it, yet when i took a step back, it took a step back like a mirror.

I gently started to raise my hand and it raised its hand too. I stepped forward, it followed, I started reaching out until I felt cool glass on my fingers as it seemed to reach me and touch me at the same time. Once we touch it opened its mouth and let out a blood curdling scream, causing me to jump and scream as well.

After I screamed I noticed the change in scenery to my bedroom. I looked around, alarmed. 'I.. I was dreaming?'I thought. "Or were you? After all only a worthless freak like yourself wouldnt be able to tell anyway." The disembodied voice from my dream hissed in my ear. My eyes landed on the knife that layed on the dresser. "Yesss" the voice hissed, "do what Daniel asked you too. Kill yourselff."

My throat was dry as I gently picked the knife up. Holding it in the gleaming moonlight. "No one would even noticed if you were gone. Just do it!" I stood up and sat in the bathroom floor. The knife in my hands. I began to swipe it across my arms and legs growing more obsessed with making sure I was bleeding because of that, not caring about all the pain I felt.

I began to slide it across my stomach thinking all of these rude yet true things about myself, like how I am worthless. Cut. Unloved. Cut. Selfish. Cut. Stupid. Cut. Annoying. Cut. And so on. I gently let the knife fall between my legs on the floor. My whole body shaking from the blood loss. The world started to fade in and out before everything went black.

Bye hope you enjoyed!!

766 words

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