chapter 21

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Are you sure you would be able to even care for him? You can't even take care of yourself you are utterly pathetic, weak, and selfish. 'You're right' I thought back to the voice. Gazing down at Daniel, who's sleeping face was so calm, I felt tears weld in my eyes. "Golly I wish I could look and feel as calm and peaceful as you Daniel." I whispered. His eyes fluttered open gently, his blue eyes meeting my green ones. 'Golly, blue is so beautiful especially in his eyes.' I thought. He turned red, "well thank you, although I prefer the green in your eyes." Blood rushed to my face when I realized I said my thoughts aloud and he heard it. Well that is utterly embarrassing huh? Don't you want to punish yourself for having no control over your own tongue? The tears in my eyes threatened to fall even more. "Oh, David, don't cry. Why are you crying?" His hand shot up to comfort me and wipe away the tears that fell. "What's wrong?" He asked gently climbing further onto my bed to gently hold me. Rocking back and forth he hummed a strange tune which was slightly calming to me. "What is that song?" I quietly asked. "A song my mother use to sing to me when I was upset." He responded, smiling fondly at the memory. "I found it awhile ago. Would you like to listen to it with me?" He asked, pulling his phone out. "That would be nice." I responded, a calming music started to play before people started singing (the video at the top, Sandy Fishnets). Not really paying attention to the lyrics, I gently started to rock along with the music. "This seems really nice." I told him, leaning towards him more, cuddling into him. The door burst open, I jolted, sliding away from Daniel on instinct. "Oh, no need to slide away from your boyfriend~" A nurse cooed, "I just came here to tell you that dinner will be in 5 minutes, my sister will bring some in for you! Would you like her to bring some in for your boyfriend too?" Daniel gently nodded, smiling. Once the door shut he pulled me closer once again, snuggling his head into my shoulder, "Ah!" I yelped in surprise. "D-Daniel what are you doing?" I asked. My face turned red while I felt his breath trail found my neck, the nerves were really sensitive and I felt strange, feeling his breath where it was. I wanted home to stop but at the same time I did not. "S-Stop D-Danny." I told him quietly. Feeling him grin he spoke, "Why?" He asked, I could feel his breath change with the word he spoke. My breath hitched in my throat. "I-It tickles." I told him, feeling something rise up my throat. "Really?" He said his voice dropping into a deep rough voice, "it doesn't seem like it tickles." He said in my ear. 'Fuck' I thought. Taken by surprise I suddenly made a strand sound. Turning red, I covered my mouth. "Sorry." Daniel said, turning red and taking his head away from my neck. "If I knew you were, uh, sensitive there. I wouldn't have continued." He said, resting his head on top of mine. "It j-just felt weird." I told him. "Have you ever felt that way before?" He asked genuinely. I shook my head, my hand slowly coming down from my mouth. "Would you like to maybe do it then when you get out?" He asked, his face turned red. "Do what?" I asked not exactly understanding what he is asking. "Oh, uh..." He turned even redder. "H-Have you ever h-had se-" the door bust open, I quickly jumped up separating me and him. "Hey my name is Coraline! I have your guys' food!" The nurse said, happily bringing in two trays full of food. She looked at me while handing me a tray of food before handing a less full tray of food to Daniel. "Excuse me, uh, Coraline, uh, why do I have more food than Danny?" I asked out of curiosity. "Well, " her face turned grim, "you barely made it out of the surgery alive, you were almost severely malnutrious and you need to eat a lot since you came out (hehe of the closet; I'm sorry) of surgery, your body needs to heal up so you need to eat a lot of food to hopefully heal faster."  No you don't because you don't need to heal or even be alive.
A voice contradicted, I smiled at her and thanked her for the food. The smell making me feel sick yet I knew they would force me to eat. She walked out, I looked at the food, fisgust squirming in my stomach, threatening to crawl its way up through my throat. I watched Daniel begin to eat his food. My nose shriveled in disgust I couldn't help but push my food away from me as I rested my head on Daniel's shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asked gently. "I'm just not hungry." I replied. He offered me a bite of his food. I gently accepted it. The food twisting in my stomach angrily before it settled down. "You ok?" He asked gently, his hand snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "You are looking sick, do you want me to get you the nurse?" Genuine concern flashed through his eyes. I shook my head, it started to throb with pain. Groaning I closed my eyes and before I knew it my conscience slipped gently away, the pain subsiding.

Done!! You have no clue how had it was to write that with a kitten and a attention seeking cat. He kept stepping on the last chapter of the book, which spoiler alert is the next chapter sadly :<.
And our kitten kept jumping on my bladder and attacking my thighs and my papers.

1002 words!

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